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a quick question

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Phantom Poster
um I was kinda wondering whether if cloning was considered cheating because once I was trading and then there was a link error and I ended up with 2 copies of the same pokemon
I'm very sorry if this is a bad question I was just wonderin


its not cheating its just a cheap way of duplicating pokes.


TC expert
how do you do it?duplicate pokemon?do you move sumthin..on the cable link or how does the error coexists,appears?
It's very dangerous becaouse you colud end up with your saved game erased, but you have to turn of the power of the gba that's sending the pokemon in the precise moment when it's sving, I don't recomend doing this

P.S.If anything is wrong feel free to correct me


Well I don't think you can duplicate/clone in the third generation Pokemon games anyway, so obviously not cheating. However in Gold/Silver (I'm not sure about Crystal), I always considered it cheating. Mostly because it's unfair duplication of possibly rare and powerful Pokemon that could be holding rare items, thus duplicating them too. However I must admit, I did duplicate a shiny Unknown once, so I'm not perfect. Like Rod said, it is very dangerous. My friend did it once and each time he did it a Pokemon in his team or box was released.
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