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A Ranger in Danger!

The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
Could someone please help me with Pokemon Ranger! I'm stuck on Mission 10 right at the end where you fight the three legendary dogs Raikou and Suicune aren't giving me a problem its Entei! Even when I have him or her with Minun's electric stunning ability and have circled him enough times. I'll let up my styler to finish the final blow and she/he still keeps giong? It makes absolutely no sense but it still happens! I'm fead up with having to always having to recharhe my styler just to shock it again, fail again... This cycle has been repeating itself for the last 3 days. What the heck should I do????;389; ;473; ;439; ;459; ;480; ;466; ;391;


Well-Known Member
Use an Espeon is you have trouble. If it doesn't work then usr a Vaporeon, he might help a lot. After you use one use a Medicham to decrease the cirlcles.


Dragon Master
Use an Espeon is you have trouble. If it doesn't work then usr a Vaporeon, he might help a lot. After you use one use a Medicham to decrease the cirlcles.

espeon dont work, i tried it, but i forgot about vaporeon, save vaporeon till u have a clear shot at catching entei


Better then you
Just capture the two Gengars where you found Flareon. They helped me beat Entei. Yes I used both of them.