Flamez said:
Saw the pics, looks like an ordinary filler.
Seems as though Pikachu gets a beating from Seviper, lol. Couldn't tell properly since the pics weren't the best.
One LAST THING- my fear about may turning into the mother type character might be coming true, since she WAS SHOWN HOLDING SQUIRTLE IN HER ARMS. man these stupid as hell writers dont know anything changing misty like that was bad enough.
but on the positive side i THINK that her squirtle didn't cry in this episode. lol.
I disagree, I don't think May will suffer the same mother syndrome as Misty did.
For one thing Squirtle stayed in it's Pokeball in almost the whole episode. As long as May isn't carrying the thing in her arms in every ep, she shouldn't suffer at all.
Remember, Ash had a baby Pokemon too. (Phanpy). And did that make Ash act like "a father?" Phanpy ended up just like all of Ash's other Pokemon, it stayed in it's Pokeball, and it battled whenever Ash needed it.
A good thing about May's Squirtle is that it stays in it's ball. And of course, the writers didn't give her a Squirtle for it to do nothing, it will of course be used in battles eventually.
I don't see anything pointing toward May having the mother syndrome, at least not yet anyway.