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A Real Cleffa-Hanger! (411)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
A Real Cleffa-Hanger!

Heading to the Battle Factory near Cerulean City, Ash & Co. go through Mt. Moon, however they meet a Cleffa who seems to dislike humans and due to a Team Rocket plot the group ends up being seperated through Mt. Moon. Will they manage to get together and earn the trust of the Cleffa?

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Korobooshi Kojiro

Seen pictures........

Brock's Ludicolo stayed home to entertain his brothers.

New Title Screen. Shows Ash, May, Max, and Brock one a plain looking background with big Pokeball.

Munchlax uses Solar Beam.

Phanpy does like nothing much


Misty has Pokegear, and gets a call from her sisters I think and goes home.

Looks like a okay filler, but only saw a few pics thou
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Brock's Ludicolo stayed home to entertain his brothers.

Damn, Ludicolo was my favorite Brock pokemon and now it's gone. Why couldn't they have done with Forretress instead?

New Title Screen. Shows Ash, May, Max, and Brock one a plain looking background with big Pokeball.

Munchlax uses Solar Beam.

Phanpy does like nothing much



I never expected him to be there in the first place.

Misty has Pokegear, and gets a call from her sisters I think and goes home.

Good, good.


Kojiro said:
Brock's Ludicolo stayed home to entertain his brothers.
Already I'm hating the sound of this episode. What are the writers thinking? Of all of Brock's pokemon, why give Ludicolo to Jiroo and the others? He better have Crobat, Geodude, or Onix on his team to make up for this. We know Brock isn't going to have anymore captures for a while, so why give him another free space, he had three already!


Yeah, ok!
There was no fond farewell between Ash and Misty. As expected, this was a Misty x Max episode.

The two were actually discussing something in a cave together sitting right next to each other. And as the episode ends, Misty bends down and says goodbye to Max, but doesn't really say anything "emotional" to Ash, May, or Brock.

Misty returns to Cerulean with Azurill, and they go their seperate ways.

Nothing Pokeshippy in this ep going by animation only. I dunno what Misty and Max were talking about in the eppy though while in the cave, I doubt it was about Ash though. The Max x Misty scenes were very cool. I think Max likes Misty. :x


Cybercubed said:
I dunno what Misty and Max were talking about in the eppy though while in the cave, I doubt it was about Ash though.
You don't have to worry about that. I'm sure 4KIDS will fix that right up, which is going to suck.

Ludicolo's gone, no farewell between Misty and Ash & Brock, Munchlax, no Seymore, I'm not really seeing anything worthwhile about this episode except for the Forretress appearence I've been hearing about.


Elite 4 Champion
Saw the pics, looks like an ordinary filler.
Seems as though Pikachu gets a beating from Seviper, lol. Couldn't tell properly since the pics weren't the best.

One LAST THING- my fear about may turning into the mother type character might be coming true, since she WAS SHOWN HOLDING SQUIRTLE IN HER ARMS. man these stupid as hell writers dont know anything changing misty like that was bad enough.
but on the positive side i THINK that her squirtle didn't cry in this episode. lol.

Mudkip Master

Good thing Brock kept his Mudkip it gives him a chance to evolve it into a Marshtomp. Brock should have brung his Onix and Geodude and left his Forretres behind.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Brock left Ludi?

now he only has two pokemon unless he got onix back

this looked like an adverage filler

but what were misty and max talking about?

wat is their shipping called?


I had a good feeling this episode would have no captures in it. I also said something about Ludicolo leaving.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
jolteonjak said:
Misty/Max ship = Masaumishipping

sonow I support:
Advanceshipping and Masaumishipping


Contaminated KFC
I come back home only to find out that Brock dumped Ludicolo in favour of a pokémon that has crappy attacks, is never even used, and lost all its personally back in random filler episode? This is garbage they're feeding me...pure freaking garbage. He only used Ludicolo for one or two episodes, and it was basically around just so it could be featured in the main series. No, I'm sorry, but thats wrong on so many levels.

The fact that nothing of importance seemed to happen in the episode also pisses me off. This instead of a Houen league match....GOD, they've gone rapidly downhill *rams head against wall*

...I REALLY wish I could go one week without complaining about something in these crappy episodes. I miss the old days when I'd like everything in an episode :/

Cybercubed said:
The Max x Misty scenes were very cool. I think Max likes Misty. :x
And that sudden bold font putburst contained no sarcasm I'd like to point out. I'm glad that they at least did something with those two characters. That saves this entire thing from being totally crap.


Well-Known Member
Gravy said:
The fact that nothing of importance seemed to happen in the episode also pisses me off. This instead of a Houen league match....GOD, they've gone rapidly downhill *rams head against wall*

...I REALLY wish I could go one week without complaining about something in these crappy episodes. I miss the old days when I'd like everything in an episode :/

Are we back in old-school filler terrain? Don't tell me that this episode was on a par with one from Johto...


Yeah, ok!
Flamez said:
Saw the pics, looks like an ordinary filler.
Seems as though Pikachu gets a beating from Seviper, lol. Couldn't tell properly since the pics weren't the best.

One LAST THING- my fear about may turning into the mother type character might be coming true, since she WAS SHOWN HOLDING SQUIRTLE IN HER ARMS. man these stupid as hell writers dont know anything changing misty like that was bad enough.
but on the positive side i THINK that her squirtle didn't cry in this episode. lol.

I disagree, I don't think May will suffer the same mother syndrome as Misty did.

For one thing Squirtle stayed in it's Pokeball in almost the whole episode. As long as May isn't carrying the thing in her arms in every ep, she shouldn't suffer at all.

Remember, Ash had a baby Pokemon too. (Phanpy). And did that make Ash act like "a father?" Phanpy ended up just like all of Ash's other Pokemon, it stayed in it's Pokeball, and it battled whenever Ash needed it.

A good thing about May's Squirtle is that it stays in it's ball. And of course, the writers didn't give her a Squirtle for it to do nothing, it will of course be used in battles eventually.

I don't see anything pointing toward May having the mother syndrome, at least not yet anyway.


the only reason misty was a in a motherly role is because of togepis nature it thought misty was its mother hence why it was treated like a baby


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
What would thost 2 be talking about...how to pull on BROCK's ears...LOL...that'd be funny...

hmm...yea i think he should have brought Onix along..as....it would be usful for an upcoming EP...lol

hmm....so any SPOILERS from the OPENING or ENDING?


Soul Trainer
Saw pics,

No new Op/Ed...maybe next episode.

This episode has lots of flashbacks compared to normal fillers.

So it's worth because of it, nothing more.

Seen Daisy, Lily, Violet, Lola and Brock's brothers was nice.
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Blaziken master

I wonder if you at least get to see a picture of ludicolo entertaining his family.Other than that, It looks like a crappy filler.