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A Route I Made

Well, I just felt like making one, so here it is:


I liked the look of 32x32 tiles better, so that's why it's so big. If you'd like it resized, just tell me. Comments and constructive criticism are welcome!


Wow thats good

What pokemon are in the caves? btw that qutie good!


gee that's swell
I like it!I think Seafoam islands should have looked like that.I'm guessing ice pokemon would reside here?Well anyways nice work!
Thanks for the compliments. I may have another one done soon.


gee that's swell
Well as I looked it over a little bit I did notice that some rocks were to close to the wall.Unless you wanted it that way I'd fix it


Everything in your route seems perfect and original.
Keep up the good work.
New Map! It's a town (not the most original, but I was kinda tired).


Again, comments and constructive criticism accepted.
Thanks. But it's not a starter town. I will make one, however, since you mentioned it.

Jesus Of Suburbia

Wow, you a very talented in route making. I honestly am amazed at your talents. Keep up the nice work :)
SilverPhantom said:

Total Rating-8/10
Can you at least tell me why you gave that rating?

Also, here's the starter town.

I rushed it, and cut off part of the bottom :p.
Last edited:


;384; ;145; your cities are good. also, where did you find the pics for making the map?. Oh! I was forgetting. what about a city with a gym\contest?;145; ;384;
I just take 16x16 tiles off of in-game maps, and place them together, I guess. I can't really explain what to do without writing a huge detailed tutorial.

Jesus Of Suburbia

hmm... try a cave that has a few level but at the top has an entry to the roof of the cave.
I can try. That sounds pretty difficult though.


God of Fusions
Nice, but what kind of template, program, etc. do you use in order to make stuff like that? I need to get my hands on it, so can you send me a link? Please.LOL.
I don't use a template anymore. I just rip sprites directly off the maps in 16x16 squares, recoloring them or mixing if need be. No tricks, just gotta be careful that you rip 'em perfectly or everything looks choppy. Don't know how to explain it in more detail than that without a whole tutorial, though I may actually write one so that I can see more map-makers on the forums.