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"A runtime error Has occured..." i'm sick of this!


Well-Known Member
I get a message that says "a runtime error has occured do you wish to debug?" why do i get that so much how can i make it stop from showing up? what does it even mean im sick of that meassage! ui get 2 of the one after another HELP me please some one!
Oh yeah it happens mostly in neopets and iot also happens in other sites. just thought i let you know!


Is feeling happy. :D
I get a message that says "a runtime error has occured do you wish to debug?" why do i get that so much how can i make it stop from showing up? what does it even mean im sick of that meassage! ui get 2 of the one after another HELP me please some one!
Oh yeah it happens mostly in neopets and iot also happens in other sites. just thought i let you know!
It can happen on certain programs. Like some stuff I use. Explain what you mean.


Well-Known Member
well it says the same thing when i use internet explorer! like i said before it occures more often when i go onto neopets and play the games(snow ball fight) it also happens more in other websites..but not that often it hasnt happen in serebii thank goodness, because this meassage is quite annoying!
hopefully this will help!
Oh and it is an error pop up and the meassage say line: 101 and sometimes line 93 or even line 73 at the bottom of the meassage!
Last edited:


perpetually tired
Javescript is using C++ on webpages, correct?

Runtime error occurs when a C(++) script is told to do something that can't possibly be done.

Edit: Therefore the game may be the problem. Like Latios says, use a different browser. It is probably the Javascript interfering with internet settings.


Well-Known Member
i'll try but i wish i can first try getting this fixed! i really dont want to download firefox!

Firefox 2.0 is only 5.62 MB's big. That's not very big! I don't go to Neopets very often, but when I did visit there or Pogo.com, I played games there and never got any runtime errors, but I don't use IE, either (not fond of it, sensing I'm very good at crashing it, so I use FF instead).

As for fixing the problem, there is nothing you can do on your end. Take a look at this:


Essentially you need to contact Neopets and let them know what is going on. That or get a better browser.


Queen of Orudoran
Opera would be even better, and it's alot smaller.

Make sure you like totally disable the javascript error in the Internet Options in the Advanced Tab. If not, try upgrading to IE7 see if it totally solves your problem. If not, use Internet Explorer 7, not SBC Browser.

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
i'll try but i wish i can first try getting this fixed! i really dont want to download firefox!

Well, Firefox isn't like any other program. It's something that you definitely won't regret getting. I hate to say it like this, but IE (including IE7) and other browsers (except perhaps Opera) are crap. If you don't believe me, or if you think I don't know what I'm talking about, download and try it, then come and tell me I'm wrong.

Zora said:
Javascript is using C++ on webpages, correct?
No, JavaScript is using JavaScript on web pages. It's a client-side scripting language that can do practically anything you need to a web page.

And now back on topic. Browser runtime errors usually indicate that:
1) The program has a bug in it and preforms an error while rendering a web page.
2) The browser was either installed incorrectly, was damaged or encounters a system-specific error (conflict with another process, some sharing violation) while executing on your machine.
3) Some of the code was corrupted or infected
4) (more specifically) The browser's JavaScript interpretation module is glitchy, or encounters a problem while executing because of clumsily written JavaScript that causes "memory leaking" or other errors that the browser should know how to tackle, but doesn't because it's not very good.

There are other possibilities, but they all point to the following two solutions:
1) Reinstall the browser
2) Get a better one (recommended)