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A Sappy Ending! (121)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
A Sappy Ending!

Heading towards Violet City, Ash & Co. see some Heracross...Ash eager to get one disturbs them and gets told off by an expert. He tells about how the Heracross and Pinsir are at war due to something distrubing their honey flow. Can Ash stop them?

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Factory Head Noland

This was the first Johto episode that I ever saw, it's such a cool episode and I'm glad that Ash catches a Heracross in it! His first Johto Pokemon.
The picture of Heracross lifting the Pinsir machine is so awesome!


This was the first Jhoto episode I saw as well. I wasnt that keen on it for some reason, it didnt really apeal to me, but I was glad Ash caught the Heracross, he was a big advantage to him in gym battles and such. But I did like the ending to it, when Heracross follows them wanting to join Ash's team, at first I really wouldnt have though heracross would jpin the team, but, I was wrong.

Factory Head Noland

That's because he sent it to Prof. Oak's lab so early on...

He did use it in the Silver Conference against Gary though and it was really great (despite not being in any battles for a LONG time...).


Custom User Title
I loved this episode (naturally:p). Heracross quickly became my favorite pokémon soon after Satoshi cought one. I loved how he had such a calm and gentle personality, but he could really kick some serious a*s when he wanted to.

I liked how Heracross kept following Satoshi-tachi as they were going through the forest and suddenly, when they were in real trouble, he jumped out of the bushes and showed the Rocket-Dan who's boss. It takes real strength to win a fight with a mecha Kailios twice your size, not to mention toss it through the air like a beach ball. It was also cool how Satoshi commanded Heracross and told him what to do even before he cought him. Sure that was done with Kootasu, but it happened here first.:p

The ending was also great. I know a lot of people don't like captures where they don't actually 'catch' the pokémon, but I can't think of a better way to end the episode than to have Heracross show up and want to join the group and become one of Satoshi's pokémon.


Team Awesome
This episode isn't all that interesting, and I don't like Heracross, but Team Rocket definitely make up for it for the few scenes they're in. Even though it's technically impossible, I like how they made the robotic pinsir almost lifelike, like when it got the swirly eyes after bulbasaur sent it spinning. It's also funny how James ran away to avoid having Victreebel eat him, but Victreebel's more interested in the tree sap. :D I also like the twerps' reactions when they hear Jessie's idea for a pancake topping.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't that good of an episode, but it was cool how ash catches a Herocross. He's one of my all time favorite Pokemon ^.^


This episode was rather good, I like Heracross' personality and how it followed Ash and also it was nice to see how Ash caught Heracross.


Digimon > Pokemon
I always thought Heracross was one of the coolest looking Bug Pokemon around. I don't know why. I just liked it.
I really like this one for some reason, Ash's Heracross is a great pokemon and I was glad it went with Ash


Well-Known Member
A very good episode. Ash caught his first Johto Pokemon and just like in the Kanto region it's a Bug type. Very nice to see symbiotic relationships (Heracross and Butterfree) in Pokemon. Heracross is definitely one of my favorite Pokemon since stag beetles look so cool. And as always Misty bugging out over Bug Pokemon is always funny.


Active Member
I really did lol...

Brock *after hearing the plight of the forest* It's a real bad situation.
Ash: Yeah.
Misty: Oh well, time to go.