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A Scizor Userbar ~Art~

The Scizor Master

The Scizor Master
It's in my signature i did it myself. And what do you think of my signature overall. o_O


the userbar is pretty standard, there isn't much to a userbar, but its looks alright.
the batter, i can't really say that i like it too much.
even though you used standard difference cloud lightning, the background is alrgiht, and the layering is ok, but there is hardly and blending, and the text is an eyestrain to read.

and seeing as you have a graphic program, im a little surprised that you didn't put some effort into your future team info banner to make it look neat, but of course, that doesnt seem to be your aim for that. i wouldn't call your movesets too good, as focus band is unreliable >.<

anyway uh, good sig overall i guess.

35 team slayer eh?