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A Series Of Unfortunate Events...

Chaos Rush

Well-Known Member
[INSERT BANNER HERE] (I haven't made one yet...)

This comic, is based off of Lemony Snicket's (Daniel Handler) A Series Of Unfortunate Events series. I have put it into comic form, kind of like what Anton_91 did with PKMN Manga in GBA Style. This comic really isn't meant to be humorous, but it is for entertainment and for people who don't want to read the books.

If images appears small, click on them.

The Last Of The V.F.D. Schism

Comic 1:Terrible News...
Comic 2:I Do Say That Mr. Poe Is Pretty Stupid...
Comic 3:Happpiness Awaits! (I think)
Last edited:


Pokemon Trainer
This is a pretty good idea for a comic. I really liked the movie so this sounds pretty cool. I think i'll keep my eyes on this one.

Reign G

Roggen and Rolan
I was never a fan of the movie or books, personally, but this is a good idea. Maybe after my current comic is through I should start one of Narina...

Chaos Rush

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but this isn't like the movie. I've read all 13 of the books, so it will be based on all of them, starting with the first, and ending with the last.


i feel his pain
Wow this is good and i like the film too and the books. I'm really looking forwards to reading the rest of this comic. GACK!

Chaos Rush

Well-Known Member
Yay! I finally make a comic that someone likes!

Lord Ike: Collette, Hugo, and Kevin will be in season 9, 10, and 12. That's The Carnivorous Carnival, The Grim Grotto, and The Penultimate Peril. The weren't in the Grim Grotto.

crystal-zephyr: I don't know what to say.....but it looks like I finally made a good comic.

I Do Say That Mr. Poe Is Pretty Stupid...

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
for somebody like me who read all 13 books this is pretty good


Well-Known Member
Wow! I'm a hardcore ASoUE fan, and this is really good. Eventhough there is one plothole that you made.
[Spoil]You see, it was pretty much revealed in The End that Count Olaf didn't burn down the Baudelaire Mansion, but yet someone else on the bad side of V.F.D.[/Spoil]

But everything else is accurate, and very well done! Great job.

Chaos Rush

Well-Known Member
Darn it! But what if I say that Olaf was just watching the fire, and he didn't set it?

I'm currently working on sprites for Duncan, Isadora, and Quigley Quagmire. I also need to do much more, too.

Chaos Rush

Well-Known Member
Not as good as the books (naturally), but better than the crappy, inaccurate film.
Well, this isn't a fanfic, and this is actually my first comic here that was rated 4-star.

I think I remember that the movie was based off of the first three books, but in weird orders.

Chaos Rush

Well-Known Member
Sorry, but I haven't made a new comic yet. I am working on it.

Okay, if you want to be in the credit list, people, then could one of you make Hotel Denouement? I know that place in the comics is far, far away, but I would appreciate it. Thanks.