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a shiney pokemon question

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chaos blaziken

is it easier to get shiney by breading or finding one whats you think and could you tell me why? thanks!

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
No way is easier, it's a 1 in 8,192 chance every time.

Quantum Toast

Well-Known Member
Well, the odds are the same either way. Finding pokemon in the wild is less trouble than breeding them, but you don't get control over what pokemon you find (unless it's a special one like, say, Snorlax or Rayquaza).

Basically, it depends whether it's a specific pokemon you want, or just any shiny in general.

Ho-oh Tamer

Well-Known Member
In G/S/C breeding a shiny with a non-shiny increased the chances of the baby being shiny to 1 in 64 but that's not the case in the later games.


Pitch Black Soul
same chance get over it, u dont even have to breed shinys
1) This isn't a game FAQs section.
2) Look on the main site.
3) The question has been answered anyways.


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