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a shiny without rly trying?

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ooo, what's cooking?
I have heard somewhewre there r alternitive ways of getting shinies other than finding um...i'm not sure if they legit or not but if u got info, spill in here...

Dragonite 24

Livin' in a bubble!
hey, I gat a shiny spheal by accident.
How lucky am I!;149;


Well-Known Member
bah ar sucks. I have 38 shinys and they usually come to me =D

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
I got all 3 of my shinies by accident. Found Lairon and Loudred while training in victory road (both have evolved since then) and Elektrike while EV training (has also evolved).
I too, have found 2 of my 4 shinies by accident, they usually appear when you don't expect it, at least, that's how it went for me

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
I caught both my shinies in a cave after being in them only for a breif amount of time.

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
In all of my games, all shinies I have encountered have been by accident. I found Whismur whilst randomly travelling through the Rusturf Tunnel, and ditto with Spinda on the volcano ash route. I found Electrike randomly after starting a new game.

Your best hope is to just get lucky.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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