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A Theory Regarding Regigigas

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So, based on the legendary golems` background, it is quite obvious that Regigigas is man-made. It seems rather strange that it was made a Normal-Type, though.

But if you look at its design, you see a lot of elements.

- The vegetation on its shoulders and legs suggests Grass-Type.
- Its mask, shoulderpads and gray eye mark suggest Steel-Type.
- Its hands, modeled after plugs, suggest Electric-Type.
- Its black lines suggest Dark-Type.
- Its red eye mark suggests Fire/Rock-Type.
- Its blue eye mark suggests Water/Ice-Type.

So, perhaps Regigigas was a combination of several different natural elements from the Pokèmon world, and the mutual cancellation of these elements made it a Normal-Type. Considering that it has Rock, Ice and Steel eye marks would also demonstrate why it is the leader of the other three golems.
True, but the max amount of types a pokemon can have is 2. That casts a bit of doubt on your theory.


Be Wise, Tell Lies.
True, but the max amount of types a pokemon can have is 2. That casts a bit of doubt on your theory.
He was saying that since Regigigas seems to be all the elements clashed together, they would cancel eachother out to make it neutral or Normal. Not that it should be almost every existing type 0_0


Jirachi Master
Yes it would!


[Witty Title]
If he learnt TM's relating to those types then he would be almost an easier to obtain version of mew but bigger.and less pink.and normal.and...you get the picture.


Soul Trainer
Since he is a normal type then he would be able to learn moves such as thunder, flamethrower, giga drain etc. just like zigzagoon, meowth and other normal types.


Well-Known Member
Yes,regiigas looks like a pokemon with many different types. But it has more attack power than special attack,so its better to give it the element punches.
Why didn't Nintendo give it the same feature like Aruseus?


Final Fantasy Fan
The things I wondered about was that if there is a leader for the Regis:

1) Why is he sealed in a different region?
2) Does he actually have control of the other 3? The fact he's bigger than the other 3 would indicate he's definatly some kind of leader.
3) Since he's sealed in another region, does that mean that even more Regis could be sealed in other regions? Could there be 16 Regis to represent every type (Ice, Steel and Rock included), who are all ruled by Gigas?


Regirock = Prehistory
Regice = Ice Age
Registeel = Modern Time
What would Regigigas be?

Oh yeah, your idea is pretty good, but I still refer to my question :p


Final Fantasy Fan
Regirock = Prehistory
Regice = Ice Age
Registeel = Modern Time
What would Regigigas be?

Oh yeah, your idea is pretty good, but I still refer to my question :p

Regigas is when the land mass known as Pangea split apart into the different countries we knew today. In other words, he's the beginning.


I'm too coo', foo'
Maybe regigigas was created at a time where nothing existed yet and everything is about to start, so it was a noraml type. But as time grew so did it transforming and mutating as does the world did too. Regigas came in contact with a lot of things form ice to lava.


So, based on the legendary golems` background, it is quite obvious that Regigigas is man-made. It seems rather strange that it was made a Normal-Type, though.

But if you look at its design, you see a lot of elements.

- The vegetation on its shoulders and legs suggests Grass-Type.
- Its mask, shoulderpads and gray eye mark suggest Steel-Type.
- Its hands, modeled after plugs, suggest Electric-Type.
- Its black lines suggest Dark-Type.
- Its red eye mark suggests Fire/Rock-Type.
- Its blue eye mark suggests Water/Ice-Type.

So, perhaps Regigigas was a combination of several different natural elements from the Pokèmon world, and the mutual cancellation of these elements made it a Normal-Type. Considering that it has Rock, Ice and Steel eye marks would also demonstrate why it is the leader of the other three golems.

that's an interesting theory.


Torterra Firma
The things I wondered about was that if there is a leader for the Regis:

1) Why is he sealed in a different region?
2) Does he actually have control of the other 3? The fact he's bigger than the other 3 would indicate he's definatly some kind of leader.
3) Since he's sealed in another region, does that mean that even more Regis could be sealed in other regions? Could there be 16 Regis to represent every type (Ice, Steel and Rock included), who are all ruled by Gigas?

My attempts to answer your theories.

1. He was WAY too powerful, and the ancients feared that shortly after he would be sealed, he would wake the trio again. So they froze him and pushed him to another region. He drifted to Sinnou and Stuck in the north. The Ice broke around him and he was trapped in an ice-temple. people built a stone temple around their new god, and then the ice took its effect, freezing the north.

2. Yes, because the humans who made the Regi's to defend against Kyogre/Groudon decided they needed a leader, because they would not heed. In fact, if my theory is partially correct, then Latios and Latias are of human origin, though more likely not.

3. Read theory 1, but this may be true. They choose Ice/Water-Fire-Electricity trio's, and then spring a wildcard trio unto us? If my theory is right, then perhaps the next region could hold a new regi. Because of his markings, I suspect Dark-Grass-Electric.


Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
Regirock = Prehistory
Regice = Ice Age
Registeel = Modern Time
What would Regigigas be?

Oh yeah, your idea is pretty good, but I still refer to my question :p
Actually, I thought more that Registeel was the future, not the present, while Regigigas was when Pangea splitted, as it has markings of all types.
diablocon said:
3) Since he's sealed in another region, does that mean that even more Regis could be sealed in other regions? Could there be 16 Regis to represent every type (Ice, Steel and Rock included), who are all ruled by Gigas?
Wouldn´t be sure. If you think; ice, steel, rock and normal have all a thing in common: all are solid. If my theory is true, then there would be only solid-types Regis (Ice, Steel, Rock, Normal, Ground, Dragon, Fighting and Grass)
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