Tired of all the people going over underused pokemon, I decided to make a story. With over used pokemon and cliche starters. Yes people. Start praying to your god. FOR YAMI HAS COME WITH ANOTHER FIC!
Rated PG-13, will be R possibly, for later chapters.
Oh and if the description I did for the starters isn't enough; Clicky Here~. That should help a bit.
It would be a tough choice for anyone, as you could only pick one of the starters, and chances are you wouldn't be able to get another. For they weren't wild creatures. These were specially made, bred and domesticated pokemon for newbie trainers. So really, it all came down to which you would want to end up spending the rest of your life with.
First there Flamew. Looking like the pink mythical cat of lor (or not so mythical seeing as it's partly a mew itself) the purple coated, white pawed and horned cat looks harmless. Unless you take into account the sharp, yet short fire mane starting at the back of its head, going down its spin before flaring out elagently, yet deadly, into a long plume of flame that acts much like a tail. Flamew's shiny, amythist/purple coat is also special, for it's not just fur, but resistant to fire, meaning not even it's own attacks can hurt it. The paws and feet though, are covered in at first, what looks like fur, but is actually many, many fine strands of an unknown material that helps Flamew hold, kick, or manipulate fire. Flamew is Psychic/Fire and base attacks are Ember, Tackle, Growl and Horn Attack.
Hieght: 1'9 [double or triple this when the tail flares to full life]
Wieght: 10lbs
Secondly is Vamew. Believed to be the most beautiful of the trio, Vamew sports a blue-violet coat with a large crystal colored crystal on its head, in place of ears on either side of the crystal, a spiked horn the same color as it's hide sprouts. Covering the back of it's head, much like human hair, is auburn fur. Crystal colored stripes litter it's back, starting from the base of its neck, down to where its tail sprouts. Then the color blurs and goes down the long thin tail double it's size that ends in a fish like fin. Vamew is without arms, but it doesn't seem to mind, and it's long legs and feet end in paws colored much the same as its stripes. Vamew also sports a white belly. Vamew is Psychic/Water and base attacks are Bubble, Tail Whip, Acid Armor and Growl.
Hieght: [including tail and horns/crystal] 4'2
Wieght: 25lbs
Finally, is Lamew. Gracefull and small, Lamew has in lu of ears, large rose flowers, its hands also are gone, instead same colored flowers are there. The same rosey pink to red. Lamew's coat is a vibrant shade of green, and it seems it holds it's own price so to speak. Lamew has no tail or hinde legs. Instead, three large and powerfull looking leaves are where said limbs should be. With these, Lamew can power through the air, earning it the nickname of Mermaid of the flowers. Lamew's base attacks are Absorb, Growl, Sweet Scent and Charm.
Hieght: 1'2
Wieght: 7lbs
Tapping a finger on a desk as she read over the stats and such of the creatures, checked out their base tempermants. As even if the pokemon weren't like normal, Vamew was usually the calmest of the trio, Lamew the next so, but very energetic in the morning, and Flamew dangerous if enranged. But still, the fair skinned, blue eyed and brown haired teenager could not figure out, for the life of her, which she should choose. All three were great, all three could become even greater.
That was the delima for her.
“Miss? Miss? I would advise you to hurry up and choose, other people are waiting too, you know,” a kind, yet frazzled voice interupted the young woman's line of thoughts. Blinking her blue eyes, she looked up a bit sheepishly, as if caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
“Well, um ....” quickly she placed a finger down on one of the pokemon on the phamplet. “This one.” She rushed out, not wanting to give herself time to second guess and try to pick something else. Her decision recived a thoughtful sound from the older woman behind the counter of the pokemon center.
“A Flamew? My, aren't you the brave girl,” the aging Nurse Joy said, before smiling lightly. “But no one ever achieved greatness without a dash of it.” And with that the older woman disappeared into a room for a moment, before coming back with a shiny, new, white and black pokeball. On the top, the black colored bit, was an embroidered symbol of a flame. “Here you go Ryai Vaithne.” Nurse Joy said, seeingly having no trouble pronouncing the last name of the girl.
Looking around nervously as the last name was said, she took the pokeball with a thanks, pocketing it quickly. The last name wasn't hers, it belong to well, someone she called a friend once. But now wasn't on speaking terms with. And hoped he never found this out as well, she didn't want to go through another fight. Being friendless was bad enough. Having a friend, even if former, become an enemy? Horrible, horrible thought.
Ignoring the other, hopefull trainers, Ryai quickly exited the pokemon center. Forced to blink her eyes several times at the changed levels of light, the young woman raised her hands up and pushed fingers through the strands of her hair, only not in an sign of frustration; she quickly and deftly pulled the hair into a bunch and wrapped a band around it. A hat was pulled out of some pocket and placed over her hair, sunglasses were next, along with a few fake freckles she dotted her face and nose with. And finally, the disguise was complete.
With this done, she set off, heading out of the small town of Cobalt, and into the wilderness that would eventually lead to Slate town, well it wasn't a town anymore. It was a city, but that wasn't important for now. As she walked, Ryai pulled the pokeball from her pocket and maximised the curiously colored object before tossing it forward to release the Flamew into the world.
In a blast of rich red and blue sparkles, a burst of energy formed, concentrated and took shape before it too, in a shower of red sparkles a Flamew floated. Hovering a few feet above the ground, fire tail flicking back and forth lazily; the Flamew gazed at Ryai with mild curiosity from behind emerald colored eyes.
Both human and pokemon continued the stairing contest a moment before Ryai took off her sunglasses, wanting to let the creature see she didn't have any hidden intentions. As she slid the shades away into a pocket, from the very same place Ryai withdrew a plastic bag, within it all sorts of colored cubs inside. Opening it, she pulled out one that was supposedly sweet and tart, and held it out for the Flamew. “Well? Hungry?” She asked, trying to sound friendly.
The Flamew continued to eye her a bit before coming over slowly, sniffing cautiously at the light pink pokeblock in the humans hands. Then daintly, but confidently, the Flamew snatched up the pokeblock and with a finally sniff, stuffed the whole thing into its mouth. Chewing quickly, it swallowed and gave off a faint rumbling purr, sounding more like a miniature volcano before looking up at the human with a tilted head and quizzical look.
Smiling a bit more, Ryai reached out and carefully scratched the Flamew's fur at the base of the horn, earning a deeper volcanic purr sound. “Well aren't you a sweety?” She murmured while pulling out her pokedex in a free hand and pointed it at the Flamew.In a deep, mechanical voice the pokedex started to speak after a lout beep. “Flamew, the Fire Cat Pokemon. Age: Four years old. Sex: Male-” pressing a button to turn it off, Ryai replaced the pokedex into the pocket of her dusky grey trainer vest and looked back to Flamew. “Hmm.. you're gonna need a name...”
“Flaa?” The Flamew purred out, eyes half closed from pleasure.
“How about Styx? Do you like that?”
Ryai smiled even wider, trying to suppress a giggle at the confused look on the Flamew's face at the name it was reciving. “Well I can't just call you Flamew, we might end up challenging someone else with one, and it'd be silly if you shared the same ‘name’ as your foe, right?”
The Flamew seemed to pause before bobbing his head a bit in responce after a moment and Ryai patted him on the head a final time. “Well Styx, we have to get to Slate City, and while we can't make it there before nightfall, lets get a bit of distance between us and here, rather not challenge one of the people getting a Vamew.” with that Ryai started off, Flamew giving a thoughtfull sound as he followed after. Mostly just wondering if he'd get any more of those good tasting treats she had.
Rated PG-13, will be R possibly, for later chapters.
Oh and if the description I did for the starters isn't enough; Clicky Here~. That should help a bit.
Chapter One: Meeting the Fire Cat
It would be a tough choice for anyone, as you could only pick one of the starters, and chances are you wouldn't be able to get another. For they weren't wild creatures. These were specially made, bred and domesticated pokemon for newbie trainers. So really, it all came down to which you would want to end up spending the rest of your life with.
First there Flamew. Looking like the pink mythical cat of lor (or not so mythical seeing as it's partly a mew itself) the purple coated, white pawed and horned cat looks harmless. Unless you take into account the sharp, yet short fire mane starting at the back of its head, going down its spin before flaring out elagently, yet deadly, into a long plume of flame that acts much like a tail. Flamew's shiny, amythist/purple coat is also special, for it's not just fur, but resistant to fire, meaning not even it's own attacks can hurt it. The paws and feet though, are covered in at first, what looks like fur, but is actually many, many fine strands of an unknown material that helps Flamew hold, kick, or manipulate fire. Flamew is Psychic/Fire and base attacks are Ember, Tackle, Growl and Horn Attack.
Hieght: 1'9 [double or triple this when the tail flares to full life]
Wieght: 10lbs
Secondly is Vamew. Believed to be the most beautiful of the trio, Vamew sports a blue-violet coat with a large crystal colored crystal on its head, in place of ears on either side of the crystal, a spiked horn the same color as it's hide sprouts. Covering the back of it's head, much like human hair, is auburn fur. Crystal colored stripes litter it's back, starting from the base of its neck, down to where its tail sprouts. Then the color blurs and goes down the long thin tail double it's size that ends in a fish like fin. Vamew is without arms, but it doesn't seem to mind, and it's long legs and feet end in paws colored much the same as its stripes. Vamew also sports a white belly. Vamew is Psychic/Water and base attacks are Bubble, Tail Whip, Acid Armor and Growl.
Hieght: [including tail and horns/crystal] 4'2
Wieght: 25lbs
Finally, is Lamew. Gracefull and small, Lamew has in lu of ears, large rose flowers, its hands also are gone, instead same colored flowers are there. The same rosey pink to red. Lamew's coat is a vibrant shade of green, and it seems it holds it's own price so to speak. Lamew has no tail or hinde legs. Instead, three large and powerfull looking leaves are where said limbs should be. With these, Lamew can power through the air, earning it the nickname of Mermaid of the flowers. Lamew's base attacks are Absorb, Growl, Sweet Scent and Charm.
Hieght: 1'2
Wieght: 7lbs
Tapping a finger on a desk as she read over the stats and such of the creatures, checked out their base tempermants. As even if the pokemon weren't like normal, Vamew was usually the calmest of the trio, Lamew the next so, but very energetic in the morning, and Flamew dangerous if enranged. But still, the fair skinned, blue eyed and brown haired teenager could not figure out, for the life of her, which she should choose. All three were great, all three could become even greater.
That was the delima for her.
“Miss? Miss? I would advise you to hurry up and choose, other people are waiting too, you know,” a kind, yet frazzled voice interupted the young woman's line of thoughts. Blinking her blue eyes, she looked up a bit sheepishly, as if caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
“Well, um ....” quickly she placed a finger down on one of the pokemon on the phamplet. “This one.” She rushed out, not wanting to give herself time to second guess and try to pick something else. Her decision recived a thoughtful sound from the older woman behind the counter of the pokemon center.
“A Flamew? My, aren't you the brave girl,” the aging Nurse Joy said, before smiling lightly. “But no one ever achieved greatness without a dash of it.” And with that the older woman disappeared into a room for a moment, before coming back with a shiny, new, white and black pokeball. On the top, the black colored bit, was an embroidered symbol of a flame. “Here you go Ryai Vaithne.” Nurse Joy said, seeingly having no trouble pronouncing the last name of the girl.
Looking around nervously as the last name was said, she took the pokeball with a thanks, pocketing it quickly. The last name wasn't hers, it belong to well, someone she called a friend once. But now wasn't on speaking terms with. And hoped he never found this out as well, she didn't want to go through another fight. Being friendless was bad enough. Having a friend, even if former, become an enemy? Horrible, horrible thought.
Ignoring the other, hopefull trainers, Ryai quickly exited the pokemon center. Forced to blink her eyes several times at the changed levels of light, the young woman raised her hands up and pushed fingers through the strands of her hair, only not in an sign of frustration; she quickly and deftly pulled the hair into a bunch and wrapped a band around it. A hat was pulled out of some pocket and placed over her hair, sunglasses were next, along with a few fake freckles she dotted her face and nose with. And finally, the disguise was complete.
With this done, she set off, heading out of the small town of Cobalt, and into the wilderness that would eventually lead to Slate town, well it wasn't a town anymore. It was a city, but that wasn't important for now. As she walked, Ryai pulled the pokeball from her pocket and maximised the curiously colored object before tossing it forward to release the Flamew into the world.
In a blast of rich red and blue sparkles, a burst of energy formed, concentrated and took shape before it too, in a shower of red sparkles a Flamew floated. Hovering a few feet above the ground, fire tail flicking back and forth lazily; the Flamew gazed at Ryai with mild curiosity from behind emerald colored eyes.
Both human and pokemon continued the stairing contest a moment before Ryai took off her sunglasses, wanting to let the creature see she didn't have any hidden intentions. As she slid the shades away into a pocket, from the very same place Ryai withdrew a plastic bag, within it all sorts of colored cubs inside. Opening it, she pulled out one that was supposedly sweet and tart, and held it out for the Flamew. “Well? Hungry?” She asked, trying to sound friendly.
The Flamew continued to eye her a bit before coming over slowly, sniffing cautiously at the light pink pokeblock in the humans hands. Then daintly, but confidently, the Flamew snatched up the pokeblock and with a finally sniff, stuffed the whole thing into its mouth. Chewing quickly, it swallowed and gave off a faint rumbling purr, sounding more like a miniature volcano before looking up at the human with a tilted head and quizzical look.
Smiling a bit more, Ryai reached out and carefully scratched the Flamew's fur at the base of the horn, earning a deeper volcanic purr sound. “Well aren't you a sweety?” She murmured while pulling out her pokedex in a free hand and pointed it at the Flamew.In a deep, mechanical voice the pokedex started to speak after a lout beep. “Flamew, the Fire Cat Pokemon. Age: Four years old. Sex: Male-” pressing a button to turn it off, Ryai replaced the pokedex into the pocket of her dusky grey trainer vest and looked back to Flamew. “Hmm.. you're gonna need a name...”
“Flaa?” The Flamew purred out, eyes half closed from pleasure.
“How about Styx? Do you like that?”
Ryai smiled even wider, trying to suppress a giggle at the confused look on the Flamew's face at the name it was reciving. “Well I can't just call you Flamew, we might end up challenging someone else with one, and it'd be silly if you shared the same ‘name’ as your foe, right?”
The Flamew seemed to pause before bobbing his head a bit in responce after a moment and Ryai patted him on the head a final time. “Well Styx, we have to get to Slate City, and while we can't make it there before nightfall, lets get a bit of distance between us and here, rather not challenge one of the people getting a Vamew.” with that Ryai started off, Flamew giving a thoughtfull sound as he followed after. Mostly just wondering if he'd get any more of those good tasting treats she had.