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A unseen force... (Dum dum duh)

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Drifblim landing!
Okay this has been bugging me for a while but can someone tell me what's with Mt. Steel? Okay go to Mt. Steel 8 floor got it? Now runround a bit and hold B+A (To heal health) and wild pokemon show up and stuff like that right? Just like any old dungeon. However after a while I star getting messages about a strong gust of wind and that it's getting closer and after a few of these message BAM! "You were blown out the dungeon by an unseen force". I've done it 8 times (6 to find out what's going on) I go to floor 9 but there's nothing there (At 1st I thought maybe something had gone there and was causing it). Anyone got a clue as to who is blowing me away?

Here's the texts I get:

"... Something's stirring"
"... Something's approaching"
"It's getting closer!"
"It's right nearby It's gusting Hard!"

And in the screen you get after leaving: "Was blown out by an unseen force"
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Drifblim landing!
Oh well. I was hoping for some sort of battle. First time it happened I though it was a Monster House.
It occurs in evry dungeon, and it's actually not too bad. It let's you measure your time. Just wait by the stairs and once it says "it's getting closer..." walk down the stairs. Simple training method. But it does indefinately blow you away and it's like fainting in a dungeon.

~fuzzy out~
so thats why i get it in the sky tower... i only get it around the 7th floor of the top.
i though it was rayquaza at first, but it is the invisible time limit, eh?

Eclipsed soul

Houndour Trainer
Oh, so THAT's what that does xD;

I was in Mt. Freeze and I started getting that message when I was trying to find the stairs(I wasn't able to see if I missed any paths with the map because of the color, so I'm spazzing going EVERYWHERE multiple times trying to see what I missed)

I was so scared that I hit a dead end, when finally I took a picture of my GBA with my digital camera, and actually put the picture on the computer and changed the colors slightly to see what I was missing xD

I got to the... ""It's right nearby It's gusting Hard!" part, I think xD;; if not, the one before it. Then I finally found the path I missed to the stairs.

That scared me so much xD; glad I found the stairs before I got kicked out


>.< I eat children..
Yeah...there;s something about it that scares me...
Hit start to turn the whole screen black exept your map.

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
it will happen on every floor of every dungeon. I do it around 10-20 times a day and it still scares me/gives me the creeps.

there first time I saw it I said "ooo something powerful! I'm gonna fight it!" then I deid u.u

XD, well I train in wyvern hill with my lapras because between floors 25-30 there are dragonite, every time you hit one with one of your four attacks and you win he gives you 709 exp :) its really helpful so I walk around in each floor until that apperas.

thats one hell of a creepy gust of wind :p


Ash+May forever!!!!

That happended to me at Frosty forest lol.....man i was scared!lol at the last sentance....BAM!I'am out lol...;444; ;412; ;munchlax; ;136; ;373;


The Sexy Kitty Cat
That crap started happening to me on my first run through Mt. Freeze. I thought that Articuno was going to start going through the dungeon looking for me. I literally started running for the stairs.


Ash+May forever!!!!
That crap started happening to me on my first run through Mt. Freeze. I thought that Articuno was going to start going through the dungeon looking for me. I literally started running for the stairs.

Lol!!!!Thats so funny,but that happen to me somewhat......;292; ;444; ;412; ;munchlax; ;347; ;373


The Sexy Kitty Cat
I still thought that was what was happening until I read this thread. It also happened to me in Sky Tower and I thought it was Rayquaza that time.


Gust of Wind
that scares me, it makes the game G 8+, not G *shivers at the wind fluttering the curtains*


Well-Known Member
there is nothing on the top floor because if you already defeat skarmory he will not return there
and about the wind it keeping you from stay in the dungeon forever
and the texs are a warning texts


Drifblim landing!
I always get freaked by it. Generally the moment it pops up. I'm dordling along healing and crushing for EXP and *Whoosh* I jump realize it's the gust of doom and go down the stairs. It always scares me because of it's timing I mean when I try to find it it appears when I least expect it and when I don't try it appears when I least expct it (lol). The timing is inpaccable.


Staff member
Super Mod
I found out what t did the hard way >.> Im stupid, i should've figured it was something bad...And I wasn't even ableto recruit a Trapinch which was why i was acctually in the dungeon so long.
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