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A very stupid question about Nintendogs


Well-Known Member
Lol, try not to laugh...

I've been searching everywhere in my local area, and 10 shops I searched told me that they'd all sold out. I found a shop that reserved one for me and I'll be picking it up tonight. But my question is: Do you have to play with your dog every real-life day? Do you have to feed it every real-life day? Because I test out the games first, and if I test out Nintendogs and create a file and leave it until christmas, I wouldn't be sure if the time would stay still until Christmas.


King of the Marsh
Time passes, and your dogs get hungry and dirty and thirsty, but they can't die, so everything's fine.


Well-Known Member
Oh, good. It's just that whenever I'm getting a game for Christmas, I have to test it out for a few minutes to see ifit works.


Hive Trainer
Well I think your dog can run away if you leave it alone for too long and you should be able to get it back. Everything esle has been said.


Flannigan's Ball
If you just turn it on to test it out, then you can erase the file later when you get to keep the game.


Super Gamer
Yeah, I haven't played it in a while mostly cuzz I got bored (I got it a few days after the US release) and I also got Mario Kart DS last week.



Hoenn Champion
The only thing that is annoying about that game is the fact that the dogs get hungry , thursty and dirty unless you leave them at the dog hotel. Or as the game calls it, famished, parched and filthy. It seems to be like this, apart from how clean it is, every time you turn the game on in a morning.


Well-Known Member
I think it's best if I test it at Christmas, I should be able to refund it if it doesn't work.


I probably won't get the game.I tried it out,but it is not all it is cracked up to be.Although i like dogs,i'm more of a cat person lol Although i like the idea of having many dogs link up and play together.Nintendo really outdid themselves with the realism of the dogs behavior,but i think the actual game-play is lacking substance.
By having the game since the release date over i month ago, i can tell you that the Game says that 'You SHOULD play with your dogs every day (or so) else they will run away'. Though this is only true if your Dog doesnt like you, or if you dont play with them for about a year. I left them for 2 weeks and when i swithched the game on, they seemed really happy to see me still!!!! (though the RSPCA may have had something to say!!!)

Atomic Boo

Oddium Wanderus ftw
If I remember rightly, i think you lose trainer points after a certain time off the game. I think its after some days or something.


Well-Known Member
Former Absolkid said:
I've been searching everywhere in my local area, and 10 shops I searched told me that they'd all sold out.
Yeah, has anyone else had this problem? I've been looking for a Pink DS with Dachsund & Friends for my sister as a christams present and I just can't find it. All the shops have sold out. You can buy the blue one fine but not the pink one. To me, this is wired, I surpose it's because loads of young girls have gone out and bought it. It's still wired to me, I mean, they're dogs...


Hive Trainer
theultimatebulk said:
Yeah, has anyone else had this problem? I've been looking for a Pink DS with Dachsund & Friends for my sister as a christams present and I just can't find it. All the shops have sold out. You can buy the blue one fine but not the pink one. To me, this is wired, I surpose it's because loads of young girls have gone out and bought it. It's still wired to me, I mean, they're dogs...
In case you didnt know, the Pink DS with Nintendogs bundle is only available at Target and Gamestop. SOrry if they arent in your area :(. I had a very tough time finding my Teal DS with nintendogs. I went to Target, EBGames, Toysrus, and then went to another mall to find it at EBgames. Hope you find a Pink DS.
theultimatebulk said:
Yeah, has anyone else had this problem? I've been looking for a Pink DS with Dachsund & Friends for my sister as a christams present and I just can't find it. All the shops have sold out. You can buy the blue one fine but not the pink one. To me, this is wired, I surpose it's because loads of young girls have gone out and bought it. It's still wired to me, I mean, they're dogs...

DSs seem to be quite scarce in general actually! i know someone who works in Gamestation and talked to him recently and he said that there have been no Pink DS' a few days after they got another delivery!!!
They are popular, very popular!!
I tried to find one for my little sister with Nintendogs and Mario Kart, so i could waste her, and couldnt find one in 3 different town/cities!!