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A whole load of questions

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I've been absent from the TCG scene for quite a few years. I recently lookd to it again with renewed interest, and suddenly WHAM, I'm struck with about a billion new cards and terms that I just don't understand.
What I'm asking is this. I've been away from the game since just after the Gym Heroes/Challenge setscame out. What major issues have I missed?
Points that really need covering are things like Ex Pokemon, Sparkling Pokemon, and 'Modified' decks, but anything else you think I need to know please feel free to tell me.
Thanks in advance.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
The current Modified format is Hidden Legends and on for most of the world (including England), but France and a few other places, because of different schedules in when the cards were released, are still doing Ruby/Sapphire on.

The only real difference about EX Pokemon are that your opponent takes two prizes when they're knocked out, instead of one.

Pokemon * are restricted to one per deck.

There have also been a few gameplay differences since the days of the Gym sets. Whoever goes first can not draw a card at the beginning of their first turn, nor play a Supporter. Supporters are a fairly new kind of Trainer card that you may play one of per turn.

You may now retreat normally when Confused, and if you try to attack and flip tails, you place three damage counters on your Pokemon, instead of 20 damage (or whatever it was before, the point being that Confusion damage, since it is placing damage counters, is not affected by weakness/resistance).

Those are the only really major differences since the Gym sets, basically buy a few packs of some of the new cards and check them out, they're not all that different. :)


Ah ok, that makes sense. So there are no restrictions on using old cards (such as those in the Base/Jungle/Fossil sets)? Only I have a load from this era and it would be a terrible shame if I couldn't use them.
Thanks for the reply! :)


Mononoke Fan
You can't use any cards from sets made before Hidden Legends; that includes Fossil, Base, Jungle, Rocket, Gym Challeng, Neo, Legendary, Aquapolis and other E sets, lastly Ruby/Saphire, Sandstorm, Dragon, Team Aqua/Magma. Sorry.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
NateDawg161992 said:
You can't use any cards from sets made before Hidden Legends; that includes Fossil, Base, Jungle, Rocket, Gym Challeng, Neo, Legendary, Aquapolis and other E sets, lastly Ruby/Saphire, Sandstorm, Dragon, Team Aqua/Magma. Sorry.

^ This is what the Modified format is, so if you're using that format, you can only use the Hidden Legends set and newer ones. However, for casual play, and in Unlimited tournaments (Unlimited means you can use every set), you can use whatever cards you want.


Ouch. Thats a whole lot of cards that they won't let you use :S Why on earth do they disallow all these sets so readily?
Guess I'll have to get some of these new Unseen Forces ones then...


I ain't witty, so no
MalusCalibur said:
Ouch. Thats a whole lot of cards that they won't let you use :S Why on earth do they disallow all these sets so readily?
Guess I'll have to get some of these new Unseen Forces ones then...

I think it is Aqua/ Magma here in australia....probably because we don't have the new Delta species yet(I think). That must suck, though, that only gives you, what, two Sets to work with? Now nintendo have ownership, it is expanding soooooooo fast, it isn't funny.

EX pokemon have a lot of hp (usually around 130), and powerful attacks. For example, Venusaur EX has an attack called pollen hazard(or something like that) that does 20 damage, plus poisons, confuses AND burns the opponent. It also has solarbeam, 5 energy(I think) does 90 damage. However, if any pokemon EX is Knocked out, your opponent takes 2 prize cards. a few decks are based around EX cards.

Star Pokemon are similar to EX's, but you can only have one in each deck. They are kind of like the new generation of shining pokemon, or whatever they were called.

Any veteran players, feel free to correct me. I hoped I helped out a bit.. I'm only an ametuer, so I don't know much.
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