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Abandon Ship! (308)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Abandon Ship!

Heading Towards Slateport City, Ash & Co. discover an abandoned ship which has a trainer on it who is looking for an old Pokémon that he had. However all is not right on the Ship as it seems haunted. Will they be able to find the missing Pokémon?

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Factory Head Noland

I thought this episode was so funny! It was a dramatic scene when someone got kidnapped and then you saw everyone who was on the Spinarak wall, lol. Meowth should just of kept on slashing the String Shot with it's claws, releasing everyone and Torchic could have Embered that Spinarak.


Team Awesome
This was one of my top favorites of season six. OMG, it was so hilarious!!! :D It's interesting how the twerps and Team Rocket kept getting picked off one by one and strung up, and it's interesting to see Jessie feeling vulnerable for a change without her teammates. I also love how Wobbuffet pops out of his pokeball and is strung up moments later. :D I also loved the guest star in this episode, who was gorgeous, but the antics of the episode were the definite highlights.


Well-Known Member
Yay Swampert! You see, in my sapphire game I have a Swampert at Lv100. Anyways it was very funny with everyone hanging there and crashing into eachother. Golducks random appearance was funny, why? It just jumped out of a box, striked a pose and then just walked off.


Well-Known Member
This was one of my favourite episodes yet! It was funny how all of them were tied up! It was funny how wobbuffet was upside down! I felt sorry for torchic because it had been squashed when meowth and Max were bashing each other.


So hot he's on fire.
Ah ba ga gee ba daaaaa.....*drools*

.....Hiromi is one SEXY beast. o__o Tommy, if.....you didn't already guess that. HIGHLIGHT OF THIS EP FOR ME KTHX. XD

But seeing everyone strung up was amusing as well. XD


IThis episode I rate 9/10 and yea it was good to see Swampert. And I adored the scene where Ash looks at May when they where eating real Advanceshipping right there.


Digimon > Pokemon
After I saw this episode, I thought all Swamperts looked that evil. I had never seen one before, I had only seen a Marshtomp. But Swamperts aren't all evil-looking.

Greek Saw

GoggleHead said:
After I saw this episode, I thought all Swamperts looked that evil. I had never seen one before, I had only seen a Marshtomp. But Swamperts aren't all evil-looking.
Yeah, me, too. Also, I thought that Swampert was hecka ugly, but after this episode, I found out that he was sort of cute.
Hehe, I loved watching the people bash each other while strung up, that was funny, Meowth is hilarious. :p


Well-Known Member
Excellent episode, very nice on how they introduced Swampert. Poor Torchic it kept getting caught in the middle of everyone swinging back and forth. Noticed at the end Ash said "Slateport City Gym, here I come." even though their is no gym in Slateport, it's just another one of those small errors that obviously got overlooked.


kiss my greens
one by one kidnapping+may talking to the screen=aswome.

i really liked this episode,and one of my favorites.

It's like in the horror movies. Everyone slowly gets picked off, one by one, as the tension mounts and fear rises...

... and the virgin always lives longest in those movies *brick'd*

Cool episode, and Swampert was pretty awesome too ^^