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About Episode Discussion Threads

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Dull Manga Avatar
I wish Joe had given me some warning, so I could have prepared this ahead of time, but... anyway, here's what's going on.

Discussion of what happened in the episode goes in the Episode Discussion subforum. This, of course, means there is to be no discussion there until the episode has aired.

Speculation on what will happen in an upcoming episode stays here in Spoilers. I expect that such discussion will stop around the time the episode airs.


I'd rather discuss episodes in it's own forum anyway, so thanks for clearing that up..


I don't know........


Aura Trainer
What I don't get is...why not move the thread from Anime Spoilers to Episode Discussion instead of closing the Anime spoilers thread and opening a new one in Episode Discussion?


Well-Known Member
b/c episode discussion is the place to post already. If a board is receiving more posts about a topic that belongs there then it will be unbalanced


King of pirates
sorry but this going to be confusing


King of pirates
okay i read it.


King of pirates
^And you know that how? Did you use your powers of bad grammar to kill the guards and get into the PUSA building?


King of pirates
Go to pokebeach. com that is my proof.
how sad that u only beleve one website when there is so many more out there..
Niether site is official. So the only source we can REALLY trust is PUSA. But unless we can persuade Maddie Blaustien to lock Jimmy Zopi in a cupboard, dress up as him and enter the building to do some 'research' then we wont know when the D/P series is out.


New Member
honestly. how u find these hidden sources of info about d/p puzzles me. i barely found this website a week ago and when i hear all this news about d/p i get excited only to find that what some of what ive heard isnt true. i need some real proof about this. anybody got a really good website to show this stuff is true.
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