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About Protein, Iron... and Berries

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Breno Leite

I have one question about Protein, Iron, HP Up... If I don´t apply these itens while i´m training my pokemons, can i get these extra stats points in box trick after they reach lv.100?

Another question... If I have a lv.100 pokemon with bad distributed effort points and I use some berries like Kelpsy Berry and Qualot Berry, can i have another chance to win these lose efforts points and redistribute them in the way I want (half for attack and half for speed for example)?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
The "box trick" does not work in any of the 3rd generation games--once Pokemon are at LV 100, they can't gain any more EVs from battle.

You CAN still gain EVs from Vitamins in a LV 100 Pokemon, but remember that you can't use Vitamins on a Pokemon if they already have 100 EVs in that stat.

Please post all further questions in the EVs/IVs sticky, thanks. :)

-Answered, closed
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