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About the reprints set

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Well-Known Member
You know about the reprints set such as Dark Begining and Dark revolution, right? Well, I was wondering if in any of the reprint set, they also had new cards that couldn't be found elsewhere, does anyone know if any of the reprint sets have one? I believe a new card was in the Dark Begining 1 set, but I'm not really sure.


All the "new" cards would have been Tin cards or Tourny Packs... and in the case of Cyber Stein a card originally for a person who won a touniment...

Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
What exactly do you mean by "cards that can't be found elsewhere"?
Do you mean can't be found printed in English or cards that were added specifically to the Editions?
If you're talking about cards that couldn't be found in English, then there were plenty of cards to be found through the Beginner and Expert Editions. But if you mean printed only for them, then there's no such thing.


Well-Known Member
I meant that if any new cards where released with the reprint sets (the english one). Basically, I meant if any new translated cards were in this set, meaning you can't find them in any of the previous starter decks/structure decks and the other sets. Weird question I know, but Maruka the destroyer(sp?) did came in the first reprint set (that was the only new card in that set, I believe.) and I was wondering if any other new cards came out in the other reprint sets.

Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
Slypher said:
Weird question I know, but Maruka the destroyer(sp?) did came in the first reprint set (that was the only new card in that set, I believe.) and I was wondering if any other new cards came out in the other reprint sets.

Not true, Big Shield Guarder and Dark-Robed Sage also appeared in that booster.

As for the rest of them, Expert Edition 1 didn't have any new cards nor did Beginner's Edition 2. The only cards that one might call "new" in Beginner's Edition 2 were the Booster Chronicle cards, but all of those had already been spoiled by the TPs and those tournament prize cards... the only thing that Beginner's Edition 2 really did was make those TP packs even more pointless.


Haruka's Swimsuit said:
Not true, Big Shield Guarder and Dark-Robed Sage also appeared in that booster.

As for the rest of them, Expert Edition 1 didn't have any new cards nor did Beginner's Edition 2. The only cards that one might call "new" in Beginner's Edition 2 were the Booster Chronicle cards, but all of those had already been spoiled by the TPs and those tournament prize cards... the only thing that Beginner's Edition 2 really did was make those TP packs even more pointless.
Dark Sage is in DOD (I don't remember what that means but its a video game)... and Big Shield Guardna is in a TP...
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