Eh, ragazzo!
It's the smart psychokinetic frog once again.
Anyway, I was hoping I could make a thread for X4 Weaknesses. This would include the Pokemon and what do with it. I will start with the Pokemon.
Here's a list of what I thought of so far.
Magnemite/Magneton- Ground1
Dragonite- Ice2
Salamance- Ice3
Rayquaza- Ice4
Tyranitar- Fighting5
Moltres- Rock6
Magcargo- Water, Ground7
Numel/Camerupt- Water8
Geodude/Graveler/Golem- Water, Grass9
Aron/Lairon/Aggron- Fighting, Ground10
Barboach/Whiscash- Grass11
Wooper/Quagsire- Grass12
Mantine- Electric13
Marshtomp/Swampert- Grass14
Wingull/Pelipper- Electric15
Paras/Parasect- Fire, Flying16
Sneasel- Fighting17
Breloom- Flying18
Articuno- Rock19
Delibird- Rock20
Hoppip/Skiploom/Jumpluff- Ice21
Gyarados- Electric23
Butterfree- Rock24
Scyther- Fire25
Ledyba/Ledian- Rock26
Yanma- Rock27
Masquerain- Rock29
Ninjask- Rock30
Exeggcute/Exeggcutor- Bug31
Heracross- Flying32
Forretress- Fire33
Nuzleaf/Shiftry- Bug34
Cacturne- Bug35
Onix- Water, Grass36
Rhyhorn/Rhydon- Water, Grass37
Larvitar/Pupitar- Water, Grass38
Celebi- Bug39
Ho-oh- Rock40
Charizard- Rock41
Corsola- Grass42
Relicanth- Grass43
Omanyte/Omastar- Grass44
Kabuto/Kabutops- Grass45
Vibrava/Flygon- Ice46
Gligar- Ice47
Scizor- Fire48
Altaria- Ice49
Special thanks to-Cipher for naming many off my list, Orion Master for the duo types, Evanji Axu , Praetor, +Chaos Blade+, and japala
I won't be perfect in my credits, and I might have just barely beaten you to the list.
Anybody have to add to this list?
I am sure there is more and if I discover one, I will edit this list.
There are only a handful of ways to protect them, other than switching them. Teach them attacks so they can protect themselves. (This won't help them when an enemy of a different type attacks them with the same attack.) Skill Swapping works when you use Thick Fat, Levitate, Water Absorb, and Volt Absorb.
Anyway, I was hoping I could make a thread for X4 Weaknesses. This would include the Pokemon and what do with it. I will start with the Pokemon.
Here's a list of what I thought of so far.
Magnemite/Magneton- Ground1
Dragonite- Ice2
Salamance- Ice3
Rayquaza- Ice4
Tyranitar- Fighting5
Moltres- Rock6
Magcargo- Water, Ground7
Numel/Camerupt- Water8
Geodude/Graveler/Golem- Water, Grass9
Aron/Lairon/Aggron- Fighting, Ground10
Barboach/Whiscash- Grass11
Wooper/Quagsire- Grass12
Mantine- Electric13
Marshtomp/Swampert- Grass14
Wingull/Pelipper- Electric15
Paras/Parasect- Fire, Flying16
Sneasel- Fighting17
Breloom- Flying18
Articuno- Rock19
Delibird- Rock20
Hoppip/Skiploom/Jumpluff- Ice21
Gyarados- Electric23
Butterfree- Rock24
Scyther- Fire25
Ledyba/Ledian- Rock26
Yanma- Rock27
Masquerain- Rock29
Ninjask- Rock30
Exeggcute/Exeggcutor- Bug31
Heracross- Flying32
Forretress- Fire33
Nuzleaf/Shiftry- Bug34
Cacturne- Bug35
Onix- Water, Grass36
Rhyhorn/Rhydon- Water, Grass37
Larvitar/Pupitar- Water, Grass38
Celebi- Bug39
Ho-oh- Rock40
Charizard- Rock41
Corsola- Grass42
Relicanth- Grass43
Omanyte/Omastar- Grass44
Kabuto/Kabutops- Grass45
Vibrava/Flygon- Ice46
Gligar- Ice47
Scizor- Fire48
Altaria- Ice49
Special thanks to-Cipher for naming many off my list, Orion Master for the duo types, Evanji Axu , Praetor, +Chaos Blade+, and japala
I won't be perfect in my credits, and I might have just barely beaten you to the list.
Anybody have to add to this list?
I am sure there is more and if I discover one, I will edit this list.
There are only a handful of ways to protect them, other than switching them. Teach them attacks so they can protect themselves. (This won't help them when an enemy of a different type attacks them with the same attack.) Skill Swapping works when you use Thick Fat, Levitate, Water Absorb, and Volt Absorb.
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