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About X4 Weaknesses

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Eh, ragazzo!
It's the smart psychokinetic frog once again.

Anyway, I was hoping I could make a thread for X4 Weaknesses. This would include the Pokemon and what do with it. I will start with the Pokemon.

Here's a list of what I thought of so far.
Magnemite/Magneton- Ground1
Dragonite- Ice2
Salamance- Ice3
Rayquaza- Ice4

Tyranitar- Fighting5
Moltres- Rock6
Magcargo- Water, Ground7
Numel/Camerupt- Water8
Geodude/Graveler/Golem- Water, Grass9
Aron/Lairon/Aggron- Fighting, Ground10
Barboach/Whiscash- Grass11
Wooper/Quagsire- Grass12
Mantine- Electric13
Marshtomp/Swampert- Grass14
Wingull/Pelipper- Electric15
Paras/Parasect- Fire, Flying16
Sneasel- Fighting17
Breloom- Flying18
Articuno- Rock19
Delibird- Rock20

Hoppip/Skiploom/Jumpluff- Ice21

Gyarados- Electric23
Butterfree- Rock24
Scyther- Fire25

Ledyba/Ledian- Rock26
Yanma- Rock27

Masquerain- Rock29
Ninjask- Rock30

Exeggcute/Exeggcutor- Bug31
Heracross- Flying32
Forretress- Fire33
Nuzleaf/Shiftry- Bug34
Cacturne- Bug35
Onix- Water, Grass36
Rhyhorn/Rhydon- Water, Grass37
Larvitar/Pupitar- Water, Grass38
Celebi- Bug39
Ho-oh- Rock40
Charizard- Rock41
Corsola- Grass42
Relicanth- Grass43
Omanyte/Omastar- Grass44
Kabuto/Kabutops- Grass45
Vibrava/Flygon- Ice46
Gligar- Ice47

Scizor- Fire48
Altaria- Ice49

Special thanks to-Cipher for naming many off my list, Orion Master for the duo types, Evanji Axu , Praetor, +Chaos Blade+, and japala
I won't be perfect in my credits, and I might have just barely beaten you to the list.
Anybody have to add to this list?
I am sure there is more and if I discover one, I will edit this list.

There are only a handful of ways to protect them, other than switching them. Teach them attacks so they can protect themselves. (This won't help them when an enemy of a different type attacks them with the same attack.) Skill Swapping works when you use Thick Fat, Levitate, Water Absorb, and Volt Absorb.
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Erm...What is the REAL point of this thread? To tell us what is already known/can be easily found out? Or is it that you enjoy stating the obvious? I'm not getting how this thread is useful in any way. ;/

Evanji Axu

Eh, a slight error in Tyranitar. It's quadruple weak against fighting, not ice.

And Jynxo, you'd be surprised at how lazy folks are these days.


Eh, ragazzo!
Jynxo said:
Erm...What is the REAL point of this thread? To tell us what is already known/can be easily found out? Or is it that you enjoy stating the obvious? I'm not getting how this thread is useful in any way. ;/

The main point of this thread is to point out the Pokemon with X4 weaknesses. I really wanted to figure out what they were. Is that okay with you? I'm just the curious type my self.


Nothing to be done
Tyranitar is 4x weak to FIGHTING, not ICE. Also, Articuno and Delibird are 4x weak to rock. Butterfree, Beutifly, Yanma, Ledian, Ledyba, and numerous others are 4x weak to rock. The Aron family is also 4x weak to ground. Gyrarados sports a 4x weakness to electric. The Hoppip family is dead against ice. Your list is far from complete.


Eh, ragazzo!
I knew Tyranitar was X4 weak against Fighting. It was rather a typo. Thx for pointing it out, though. And Cipher, I am well aware of how incomplete this list is.


Psephophthalmus artu
im pretty sure magcoargo 4x weak to ground too
ho-oh is 4x weak to rock
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+Chaos Blade+

The Paras family is also 4x weak to Flying.

+Chaos Blade+


Zephyr Trainer
The geodude family is also weak to grass.
Fire/Flying - 4x Weak to Rock.
Fire/Ground - 4x Weak to Water.
Fire/Rock - 4x Weak to Water and Ground.
Water/Ground - 4x Weak to Grass.
Water/Rock - 4x Weak to Grass.
Water/Flying - 4x Weak to Electric.
Grass/Dark - 4x Weak to Bug.
Grass/Psychic - 4x Weak to Bug.
Grass/Fighting - 4x Weak to Flying.
Electric/Steel - 4x Weak to Ground.
Ice/Flying - 4x Weak to Rock.
Ice/Dark - 4x Weak to Fighting.
Ground/Rock - 4x Weak to Grass and Water.
Ground/Flying - 4x Weak to Ice.
Ground/Dragon - 4x Weak to Ice.
Bug/Grass - 4x Weak to Fire and Flying.
Bug/Fighting - 4x Weak to Flying.
Bug/Steel - 4x Weak to Fire.
Rock/Dark - 4x Weak to Fighting.
Dragon/Flying - 4x Weak to Ice.

That's all that comes to my mind...

How to protect them? Switch. ;)


Psephophthalmus artu
ho-oh still isnt up and celebi is 4x weak to bug


Cacturne isn't weak to dark and don't forget Charizard's 4x weakness to rock.


Oddish plzkthnxbai
You forgot Scizor's 4x weakness to fire.


Hyper Coordinator
Dragonite- Ice
Salamance- Ice
Rayquaza- Ice
Hoppip/Skiploom/Jumpluff- Ice

Mantine- Electric
Wingull/Pelipper- Electric
Gyarados- Electric

Articuno- Rock
Delibird- Rock
Butterfree- Rock
Scyther- Rock
Ledyba/Ledian- Rock
Yanma- Rock
Masquerain- Rock
Ninjask- Rock
Moltres- Rock

Exeggcute/Exeggcutor- Bug

Tyranitar- Fighting
Sneasel- Fighting

Aron/Lairon/Aggron- Fighting, Ground

Magnemite/Magneton- Ground

Magcargo- Water, Ground

Numel/Camerupt- Water

Geodude/Graveler/Golem- Water,Grass

Barboach/Whiscash- Grass
Wooper/Quagsire- Grass
Marshtomp/Swampert- Grass


Paras/Parasect- Fire,Flying

Breloom- Flying
Heracross- Flying

my addings on bold

EDIT:its in order now like some people requested.... PP you can paste this to the master list at the top.
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I miss you Maddie <3
Shroomish is only 2X weak to flying. :|
And it would be better if you put the list in some kind of order, like...Alphabetical, pokedex, weaknesses, one of those.
Neat though.


Well-Known Member
Only breloom is 4x weak to flying.
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