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Accepting legit shinies/trading legends

*All my pokemon are legit but are cloned*

For trade:
10 Elekids w/electrizers
entei lvl 50 from colloseum X2 docile
untouched leg. birds lvl 50
untouched dialga and palkia lvl 47 gentle/adamant
untouched latios lvl 40 relaxed
untouched deoxys lvl 30 from birth island X2 relaxed
lugia lvl 50 from xd X2 relaxed
ho-oh lvl 73 from colloseum X2 gentle
Jirachi WSHMKR lvl 50 X2 jolly
Mystry Mew untouched lvl 10 quirky
3 regis untouched lvl 40
lvl 1 Manaphy hatched from egg X2 serious
Also i can breed ANY breedable pokemon for you

Any legit shinies
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^both deoxys are the same

Ill just edit the 1st post with all the natures now
do you have any other shinies?
ill take 1 swampert for one of them but i dont need two swamperts cause i already have a shiny mudkip
sounds good
use my diamond friend code
whats your code?


Well-Known Member
My Wi-fi died out and I can' get it fixed till Thursday. Can we trade then at about 7:15 PM EST ?
sure no problem
but you might want to pm me on thursday or whenever your ready as im pretty forgetful
anyone else?
anyone esle interested?
shiny magneton would be good as long as it doesnt have a nickname