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According to Alexa...


AKA mattgcn

Serebii is the 14,488th most popular site on the web.
Pokemon-games.com is a mere 59,060th, while Pokemon.com is 12,120th, so serebii is, 2nd now rather than 3rd...well, i didn't check PPN (EDIT: 227,838th) or Bulbagarden (EDIT: 1,293,956) yet.. (EDIT: Nevermind o_O)

My game's site, Pokemon Treasures is ranked 1,968,813
The populat webcomic Ctr-Alt-Del is 6,303th
Another popular one, Penny Arcade is 4,847th
Another...VGcats is 9,668th

In the Top 500 list on the page I only saw 2 porn pages, which is a good thing.

Neopets- 98th
Ebaums (Pure Evil)- 406th (The places it steals from, Weebls and AlbinoBlacksheep got 13,850 and 2,349 respectively.)

Alexa.con itself didn't get a rating since...Well, I'm not sure.
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That's actually really good, considering that typing in the word Cow in Google will give you far more than 14,488 websites with just that single word, and considering how many other words you can try.....It may seem like a large number, but comapred to the billions of billions of websites out there, this is excellent.

wtf@Neopets being so high up. SPAMHOLE OMG:eek:.

The 8th Champion


Well-Known Member
I'll bet you anything that Gaia is higher than neopets. But honestly, this comes as no true suprize to me. After that one about how many hits a forum gets, I don't see it as very much of a big thing.


AKA mattgcn
The site...I'll check for Gaia, but I don't remember seeing it..

1,730 -Gaiaonline.com...Guess not


AKA mattgcn
Yahoo was #1, MSN was #2 and I think Google was #3. There's a top 500 feature somewhere on there.

Perfect Darkness

Ebay's at number seven. lol
Number one is YAHOO! (Muahaha). Next is MSN at second followed by Google at number three.
...But yay for Serebii

EDIT-XD, fourteen is myspace. How sad
