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Ace's Trade Thread!


<Don't mess with him
Ok so if you want something post here with your offer, or PM me. Everything is legit unless stated otherwise. Lvl 100s is underlined.

Shiny Charmander w/ DD (lvl 5, untouched)
Shiny Crobat (lvl 100) (Has a japanese nickname)
Blissey w/ SEISMIC TOSS, SOFTBOILED, and THUNDER WAVE (lvl 100, bold)
10 ANNIV Celebi (lvl 100)
Metagross w/ Explosion (lvl 100)
Gallade (lvl 100)
Heracross w/ Rock Slide (lvl 100, naive)
Minun w/ Grass Knot (lvl 100)
Alakazam (lvl 100)
Leafeon (lvl 100)
Dragonite (lvl 100)
Flygon (lvl 100)
Ampharos (lvl 43)
Licklicky (lvl 37)
Moltres (lvl 52)
Blaziken (lvl 54)
Female Squirtle (lvl 14, modest)
All Sinnoh Ubers except Palkia, Uxie, Arceus, Azlef, Shaymin, Darkrai, and Dialga
All Kanto Ubers except Mewtwo
All Hoenn Ubers except Latias, Deoxys, Jirachi, and Regice
Beldum (lvl 5, untouched, jolly)
Manaphy (lvl 5)-HACKED

Pichu w/ Volt Tackle (lvl 5, untouched)
Cyndaquil (lvl 1, untouched)
Torchic (lvl 1, untouched)
Mudkip (lvl 1, untouched)
Dratini (lvl 1, untouched)
Squirtle (lvl 1, untouched)
Charmander (lvl 1, untouched)
Phione (lvl 1, untouched)

And more pokemon and ubers just ask and I'll check for it. I'll also equip one of the following items of your choice with the pokemon I'm trading to you if it's the one I need:

Master Balls
Rare Candies
TMs 1-50
Focus Band
Quick Claw
Expert Belt
Berrys 1-25
Dubious Disk
TM Stealth Rock
and More!

Dusknoir (lvl 100)
Froslass (Lvl 100)***
Magmortar (lvl 100)
Lansat Berry
Petaya Berry**
Leichi Berry**
Salac Berry***
Any shiny!**
Any EV trained pokemon (lvl 100)!**

***=What I want the most

I have more stuff, but I'm just too lazy to post them LOL. Just ask and I'll check if I have it. All right so start offering, and please don't offer ubers. And be reasonable too. So..................what are you doing still reading this? Get to offering!
Last edited:


Dragon Trainer
Leichi Berry for light ball?


<Don't mess with him
I'll be on Wi-Fi in about 10 min.


Dragon Trainer
ill be on wifi when ever youre ready.


<Don't mess with him
Ok I'll be going on Wi-Fi now.


Up For Trade P.M Me
You want any 3rd gen event+lucky egg and pokerus for charmander?


<Don't mess with him
I'm on Wi-Fi Cadbury.

Naruto: I used to with Cross Chop, but I traded it. Sorry.
GreenAiden: Um sorry I don't like ubers.


<Don't mess with him
Thanks Cadbury!

XB: No thanks.
Charizard: It's lax nature, male.


girlfriend killer
shiny latios for shiny squirtle?


girlfriend killer
shiny latios for shiny squirtle?


girlfriend killer
shiny latios for shiny squirtle?


<Don't mess with him
Raymund: Yes it is in HP and Defense.
Nintenerd: I don't have a shiny Squirtle.........I have a shiny Charmander.