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Action Replay good or bad?

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i like usin the ar but sometimes it takes the fun out of it

i do like having every pokemon level 100, but after i beat the game i dont see the point of using the ar anymore

im debating whether or not i will use an ar on D/P, if i do it will be after i beat the game

wat do u think?


Well-Known Member
Action Replay is just another version of Gameshark so any cheating device wrecks any pokemon game, so therefore, its not to be used, unless on a game that you get bored of.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
its retarded.

no point in playing the game if your just going to cheat your way through.


In Nintendo Exhile
Using the AR will make it so you'll have to kiss transfering your Pokemon to Battle Rev goodbye. Also, you cannot enter official tournaments with cheated Pokemon either. Also, you can get 'Bad EGGs' that could possibly crash your game permanently (tested this many times on ROMs). Just don't do it, b/c it is far too risky.


yes but i hav learned the ar inside and out so i no exactly wat can wreck ur game or not

btw the only bad thing that ever happened was wen i FIRST and i mean first time that i used it i didnt no wast the wild pokemon modifier did i put on like every legendary and i cant use tms on ruby but i fixed it

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
I love the ignorance in this thread.

An AR/GS only messes up your game if you use the pre-done codes or put in random/bad codes. Other than that, it's a lifesaver. Get the ledgends you can never get, say you live in Brazil. Like theres ever going to be an event there.

Mario Man

The action replay is BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD! Do i have to stress this out so much. Action Replay IS WORSE Than Gamshark. In R/S/E, there was a 95% chance your game would corrupted. In FR/LG, your game would freeze in 3 Days, guaranteed. Not the best invention ever.

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
The action replay is BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD! Do i have to stress this out so much. Action Replay IS WORSE Than Gamshark. In R/S/E, there was a 95% chance your game would corrupted. In FR/LG, your game would freeze in 3 Days, guaranteed. Not the best invention ever.

You know nothing.

Only the pre-done codes do that, because pre-done codes suck. But the ones from expert hackers from the internets work prefectly.


Shaymin owns you! xD
Course the AR is bad!!! I would never use a cheating device on my Emerald at all!!! Even though I dont have Deoxys I wont take the risk!!!


Well-Known Member
Cheating devices take the fun out of the games.What's the point of the game if you just hack every Pokemon you want?

Flame Haze SnS

AR is bad and I suggest you lock it in your safe away forever. V_V


yes i dont use my ar or gs (btw i hav both) unitl after the game because tell me, wat is there to do after i beat the elite four? there is no after story

Flame Haze SnS

A) You can always restart your game
B) Just start training your Pokemon for Battle Frontier (and trade to Colos. and XD)
C) Complete your pokedex LEGALLY.
D) None of above (if you know what I mean)

I could go with B). You can created a perfect team to defeat Battle Frontier and Orre Colosseum. No point in using AR and GS, it makes your life even more boring. AR and GS are better off being locked in the safe forever.


yes but i enjoy the completing my pokedex as a cheat and only using that cause if u complete ur pokedex in R/S/E birch gives u a starter from the second series and the i train that

Flame Haze SnS

You know you can always get those from Colosseum and XD?


ya but it isnt the same as getting them in the game cause then u get the national dex and can look at any pokemon

Flame Haze SnS

ya but it isnt the same as getting them in the game cause then u get the national dex and can look at any pokemon

Is there the problem with that? It's a good thing...
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