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Adobe Photoshop 5.5 Help

Lord Ike

Well-Known Member
Okay yeah so I'm trying to make a comic and all I have is Adobe Photoshop. Onto the point I have a few questions that I can't find answers to in the help section.
1. Is there a function that allows me to create speech bubbles, or at least shapes?
2. How can I enlarge my shapes of something like a character?
3. Finally I think I found the typing function, you know that little T on the toolbar but it sucks.
Right so that's everything I think, and one last think if Adobe really suck, could someone reccomend something better?


<- It was THIS big!
Adobe Photoshop CS2 is the best photo-editing software there is, period. If you're serious about it then spend the money; alternately use MSPaint for your comics and realise that Adobe Photoshop doesn't suck - you just don't know how to use it :)

If you do computing at school ask your teacher about it.


<It's Red!!!!!
Whats wrong with good-old fashioned paint?

Exept no gradients
no blend
no smudge
no notes
no annotation
no dodge
no burn
no sponge
no pen
no healing
no patch
no history
no art
no clone
no pattern
no magic eraser
no lasso

Lord Ike

Well-Known Member
Adobe Photoshop CS2 is the best photo-editing software there is, period. If you're serious about it then spend the money; alternately use MSPaint for your comics and realise that Adobe Photoshop doesn't suck - you just don't know how to use it :)

If you do computing at school ask your teacher about it.

Okay so could answer my questions please.


<- It was THIS big!
Unfortunately I'm not able to answer your questions as I'm not familiar with version 5.5 but I'm sure if you read the help file that was supplied with the program it would be sure to enlighten you.