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Advance Up Up and away Hero Deck(YGO)

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Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
1x Elemental Hero BladeEdge
2x Elemental Hero Avian
2x Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
2x Elemental Hero Sparkman
2x Elemental Hero Clayman
1x Elemental Hero Bubbleman
1x Elemental Hero Wildheart
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
1x Magician of Faith
2x King of the Swamp
1x Sangan
1x Wroughtweiler
1x Morphing Jar

1x Dark Hole
2x Polymerization
1x Pot of Avarice
2x Reinforcements of the Army
1x Heavy Storm
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Miracle Fusion
2x Skyscraper
1x Terraforming
1x Fusion Gate
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Book of Moon
1x Card Destruction

1x Sakuretsu Armor
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Royal Decree
2x Return from the Different Dimension

3x Elemental Hero Flame Wingman
3x Elemental Hero Thunder Giant
3x Elemental Hero Tempest
3x Elemental Hero Rampart Gunner
3x Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman
3x Elemental Hero Wildedge


<-Don't wake him up!
Not a bad deck at all
Here are some cards to consider adding:
Fusion Recovery
The Warrior Returning Alive
Hero Signal
Dimension Fusion
Feather Wind
Spark Blaster
Bubble Shuffle
Last Will
Fusion Weapon :-/
Heart of the Underdog :-/
De-Fusion :-/
^Perhaps this can serve as your side deck


Well-Known Member
You might even want to add a "Freed the Matchless General", even though he isn't a hero his effect might help you greatly since it is Warrior searching and but you have "Reinforcements of the Army" so it might be unnecessary.

The Requiem

Are you kidding me?

You're kidding me.

This is the least workable type of e-hero deck b/c its senseless. There is NO reason to run ALL of them EVER...And you arent even capitalizing on the fact that you can use Miracle Fusion with King of the swamp, so I see no reason for the rftdd's. Why waste space on Avian when you can summon most of the heroes with a few Sparkman, Clayman, and King of the Swamp?

Why run Burstinatrix when you can play Shining Flare Wingman with a King of the Swamp and a Sparkman?

Here's my E-Hero build.

[3]E-Hero Sparkman
[3]E-Hero Clayman
[3]King of the Swamp
[1]Morphing Jar
[1]Exiled Force
[1]Mystic Swordsman LV2

[3]Miracle Fusion
[3]Smashing Ground
[2]Reinforcement of the Army
[1]Card Destruction
[1]Premature Burial
[1]Heavy Storm
[1]Snatch Steal
[1]Dark Hole

[3]Royal Decree
[2]Sakuretsu Armor/Widespread Ruin
[1]Call of the Haunted

[3]Every purple E-Hero card

Sideboard some of the others. NEVER EVER maindeck them all at once.

Sorry if I came off as blunt, but E-Heroes is one of my favorite decktypes, Im tired of seeing it in the noobish Jaden Yuki run all of em and fail sadly style.
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