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Adventure Log

Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
Can someone tell me what I'm missing in the blanks? (..................) means blank.

Page 1

Reached the Hill of the Ancients
Took to the road as fugitives
Prevented the meteor's collision
The rescue team base was completed
Rescued Smeargle
89 moves were learned

Page 2

8 Pokemon evolved
90 Pokemon joined your team
1644 floors were explored

Page 3

Moltres joined the team.
Zapdos oined the team.
Articuno joined the team.
Ho-Oh joined the team.

Page 4

Kyogre joined the team.


Well-Known Member
Here is the complete adventure log.

Adventure Logs List

Adventure Log 1

Reached the Hill of the Ancients
Took to the road as fugitives
Prevented the meteor's collision
Broke the curse on Gardevoir
The rescue team base was completed
Rescued Smeargle
Spotted Munchlax
# of moves were learned

Adventure Log 2

# of Friend Rescues were successful
# of Pokemon evolved
# of Pokemon joined the team
# of theiving attempts succeeded
# of floors were explored
All Friend Areas obtained
All Pokemon were made leaders
All Pokemon joined the team

Adventure Log 3

Moltress joined the team
Zapdos joined the team
Articuno joined the team
Deoxys joined the team
Entei joined the team
Raikou joined the team
Suicune joined the team
Ho-Oh joined the team

Adventure Log 4

Kyogre joined the team
Groudon joined the team
Rayquaza joined the team
Lugia joined the team
Celebi joined the team
Mew joined the team
Mewtwo joined the team
Jirachi joined the team


Well-Known Member
The complete list is...

Reached the Hill of the Ancients.
Took to the road as fugitives.
Prevented the meteor's collision.
Broke the curse on Gardevoir.
The rescue team base was completed.
Rescued Smeargle.
Spotted Munchlax.
# of moves were learned.
# of Friend Rescues successful.
# of Pokemon evolved.
# of Pokemon joined the team.
# of thieving attempts succeeded.
# of floors were explored.
All Friend Areas obtained.
All Pokemon were made leaders.
All Pokemon joined the team.
Moltres joined the team.
Zapdos joined the team.
Articuno joined the team.
Deoxys joined the team.
Entei joined the team.
Raikou joined the team.
Suicune joined the team.
Ho-Oh joined the team.
Kyogre joined the team.
Groudon joined the team.
Rayquaza joined the team.
Lugia joined the team.
Celebi joined the team.
Mew joined the team.
Mewtwo joined the team.
Jirachi joined the team.