The region known as Entec is inhabited by creatures called POKéMON. Many trainers, young and old cherish these creatures as pets, and even use them in battle. Researchers are still trying to grasp the mysteries of POKéMON, and there are many things they do not yet know.
“Wake up, dear! It’s your birthday!”
A boy named Kenni was awakened by his mother, Daisy. He opened his eyes groggily and stared at his mother, who merely smiled at him. “It’s your birthday!” she said again. Kenni was wide awake now. He rose up from the bed. “Oh yeah,” he murmured, “I’m supposed to get my first POKéMON from Prof. Maple.” “Yes! I know you’re excited!” his mother answered. Kenni yawned and a rumbling sound erupted from his stomach. His mother laughed. “Time to eat! Breakfast is already on the table.”
After breakfast, Kenni got himself ready and left the house. He took a deep breath, savoring the morning air. Everything was quiet. Lilypetal Town was pretty small. Nothing much happened to cause a big commotion. He looked toward the lab and went in that direction. Upon reaching the lab, he saw a note on the door: “VISITING A FRIEND. BE RIGHT BACK. -MAPLE”. Kenni sighed. Prof. Maple had a lot of friends. And she was very famous, on the account that Prof. Oak is her uncle. Without knowing what to do, Kenni noticed a grassy route up ahead. So he decided to explore it.
“Who left that there?”
A bag was lying on the grass. Kenni ran to it and inspected it. While doing so, he heard a low snarling sound. Kenni looked up, and the sound ceased. He checked the bag again, and suddenly, from the grass, a small ferret POKéMON leaped out. It was a Ferrenine. “Whoa!” Kenni jumped back, and the Ferrenine charged at him and chased him. “HELP!! HELP!!” Kenni cried, “GET THIS THING AWAY FROM ME!!” The Ferrenine cornered Kenni against a large tree. Kenni was frightened by the creature and cried louder:
Prof. Maple had just left her friend’s house when she heard the cries and rushed to the scene. Daisy also heard the cries. Knowing the voice of her son, she ran to the route along with Maple. They both saw Kenni being confronted by the wild Ferrenine. Daisy watched in horror. Prof. Maple quickly took out a Pecha berry from her pocket and threw it beside the Ferrenine. The POKéMON noticed the fruit and pounced on it. “Kenni!” Maple called, “My bag! In it are three POKéBalls. Use them to battle the Ferrenine!” Kenni cautiously snuck past the Ferrenine and opened the bag. He didn’t know which POKéBall to chose, but he had to pick one quick! He grabbed a random ball and threw it. Out of the POKéBall emerged a small green and brown POKéMON with a leaf on its head. Kenni stared at the small POKéMON with confusion. “That’s Clovut! A Grass-type POKéMON!” Maple called out, “Now use it to battle that Ferrenine!”
Kenni confronted the Ferrenine. The POKéMON looked up at Kenni and snarled. It stood in a battle pose. Kenni smiled. He looked down at the Clovut. The POKéMON seemed ready, and so was he. But something hit him---he didn’t know what kind of attacks this POKéMON knew! He turned to the professor. “Um, excuse me, Professor Maple?” he asked nervously, “What attacks does Clovut know?” Maple explained, “In its beginning levels, Clovut knows Tackle and Razor Leaf. Kenni nodded. Now he was ready.
“Clovut! Razor Leaf!”
A flurry of leaves were blown at the wild Ferrenine. The POKéMON was thrown back. It got to its feet, and quickly dashed toward Clovut striking it. Clovut winced from the hit. “That was a Quick Attack.” Maple said. “Clovut! Shake it off and give it a Tackle!” Kenni ordered. Clovut raced toward Ferrenine and collided into it with a full-bodied Tackle. Despite taking another hit, Ferrenine did not look weak---in fact, it looked angrier than ever! Kenni noticed this. “What’s up with this thing?” he pondered, “It looks stronger than ever!” “It‘s personality” Maple replied, “Ferrenine is an indomitable POKéMON. It’s gutsy. Meaning that it will always keep fighting. No matter how tough the opponent is.” Kenni knew this was trouble. He had to keep attacking it, despite this. It couldn’t keep battling forever! But Ferrenine didn’t reveal any hint of getting weaker. If anything, it looked stronger.
Suddenly the POKéMON charged at Clovut with its claws opened wide. An oncoming attack! “Clovut!” Kenni called to the small Grass-type, “Dodge it! Now!” Clovut jumped to the left, and Ferrenine missed its chance for a hit. Kenni smiled wildly. “Now Tackle it!” he called to it. Clovut tackled the Ferrenine with full force, sending it sliding backwards. Kenni observed the Ferrenine. The POKéMON was panting heavily. It looked done for. Kenni saw a chance to attack again before it could recover.
“Razor Leaf! Here we go!”
But before Clovut could execute the attack, the Ferrenine fled. Kenni watched it run. He couldn’t help laughing. Prof. Maple and Daisy ran to Kenni. His mother embraced him. “Are you OK?” she said, in a trembling voice. “Yeah, of course, mom!” Kenni replied with a smile. “Well, that’s all over,” Maple said, “You’re a great battler, Kenni! Come to my lab later on!”
“Wake up, dear! It’s your birthday!”
A boy named Kenni was awakened by his mother, Daisy. He opened his eyes groggily and stared at his mother, who merely smiled at him. “It’s your birthday!” she said again. Kenni was wide awake now. He rose up from the bed. “Oh yeah,” he murmured, “I’m supposed to get my first POKéMON from Prof. Maple.” “Yes! I know you’re excited!” his mother answered. Kenni yawned and a rumbling sound erupted from his stomach. His mother laughed. “Time to eat! Breakfast is already on the table.”
After breakfast, Kenni got himself ready and left the house. He took a deep breath, savoring the morning air. Everything was quiet. Lilypetal Town was pretty small. Nothing much happened to cause a big commotion. He looked toward the lab and went in that direction. Upon reaching the lab, he saw a note on the door: “VISITING A FRIEND. BE RIGHT BACK. -MAPLE”. Kenni sighed. Prof. Maple had a lot of friends. And she was very famous, on the account that Prof. Oak is her uncle. Without knowing what to do, Kenni noticed a grassy route up ahead. So he decided to explore it.
“Who left that there?”
A bag was lying on the grass. Kenni ran to it and inspected it. While doing so, he heard a low snarling sound. Kenni looked up, and the sound ceased. He checked the bag again, and suddenly, from the grass, a small ferret POKéMON leaped out. It was a Ferrenine. “Whoa!” Kenni jumped back, and the Ferrenine charged at him and chased him. “HELP!! HELP!!” Kenni cried, “GET THIS THING AWAY FROM ME!!” The Ferrenine cornered Kenni against a large tree. Kenni was frightened by the creature and cried louder:
Prof. Maple had just left her friend’s house when she heard the cries and rushed to the scene. Daisy also heard the cries. Knowing the voice of her son, she ran to the route along with Maple. They both saw Kenni being confronted by the wild Ferrenine. Daisy watched in horror. Prof. Maple quickly took out a Pecha berry from her pocket and threw it beside the Ferrenine. The POKéMON noticed the fruit and pounced on it. “Kenni!” Maple called, “My bag! In it are three POKéBalls. Use them to battle the Ferrenine!” Kenni cautiously snuck past the Ferrenine and opened the bag. He didn’t know which POKéBall to chose, but he had to pick one quick! He grabbed a random ball and threw it. Out of the POKéBall emerged a small green and brown POKéMON with a leaf on its head. Kenni stared at the small POKéMON with confusion. “That’s Clovut! A Grass-type POKéMON!” Maple called out, “Now use it to battle that Ferrenine!”
Kenni confronted the Ferrenine. The POKéMON looked up at Kenni and snarled. It stood in a battle pose. Kenni smiled. He looked down at the Clovut. The POKéMON seemed ready, and so was he. But something hit him---he didn’t know what kind of attacks this POKéMON knew! He turned to the professor. “Um, excuse me, Professor Maple?” he asked nervously, “What attacks does Clovut know?” Maple explained, “In its beginning levels, Clovut knows Tackle and Razor Leaf. Kenni nodded. Now he was ready.
“Clovut! Razor Leaf!”
A flurry of leaves were blown at the wild Ferrenine. The POKéMON was thrown back. It got to its feet, and quickly dashed toward Clovut striking it. Clovut winced from the hit. “That was a Quick Attack.” Maple said. “Clovut! Shake it off and give it a Tackle!” Kenni ordered. Clovut raced toward Ferrenine and collided into it with a full-bodied Tackle. Despite taking another hit, Ferrenine did not look weak---in fact, it looked angrier than ever! Kenni noticed this. “What’s up with this thing?” he pondered, “It looks stronger than ever!” “It‘s personality” Maple replied, “Ferrenine is an indomitable POKéMON. It’s gutsy. Meaning that it will always keep fighting. No matter how tough the opponent is.” Kenni knew this was trouble. He had to keep attacking it, despite this. It couldn’t keep battling forever! But Ferrenine didn’t reveal any hint of getting weaker. If anything, it looked stronger.
Suddenly the POKéMON charged at Clovut with its claws opened wide. An oncoming attack! “Clovut!” Kenni called to the small Grass-type, “Dodge it! Now!” Clovut jumped to the left, and Ferrenine missed its chance for a hit. Kenni smiled wildly. “Now Tackle it!” he called to it. Clovut tackled the Ferrenine with full force, sending it sliding backwards. Kenni observed the Ferrenine. The POKéMON was panting heavily. It looked done for. Kenni saw a chance to attack again before it could recover.
“Razor Leaf! Here we go!”
But before Clovut could execute the attack, the Ferrenine fled. Kenni watched it run. He couldn’t help laughing. Prof. Maple and Daisy ran to Kenni. His mother embraced him. “Are you OK?” she said, in a trembling voice. “Yeah, of course, mom!” Kenni replied with a smile. “Well, that’s all over,” Maple said, “You’re a great battler, Kenni! Come to my lab later on!”