Day 3: Afternoon
"Here we are, guys!" Ash announced as he laid the picnic blanket out and secured it with a few rocks.
"Azu ri?" Ami asked as she handed Ash another rock.
"Ash is doing that so the wind won't blow our food away." Brock explained as he gave Ami a piece of bread. "Here...start on this while I finish dividing up the food."
"Azu!" Ami chirped, then began nibbling on the least until she spotted the cookies lying next to the fruit. She was about to walk over and snatch one until....
"No, no, your bread first, then you can have a cookie." Misty assured Ami as she took a bite of her sandwich.
After a while, the group relaxed in the grass, content from their picnic lunch. "That was so good, and the cookies were good as always..." Ash mused. "If only I knew what your special secret was..."
"Azu..." Ami started, but Pikachu covered her mouth before she could say any more.
"Thanks, Pikachu..." Brock chuckled. "I'd hate to see my special secret ingredient revealed!"
"Pika pi, Pipika." Pikachu giggled. "Pika pi pikachu?"
"Rill?" Ami agreed.
"Okay, I'll take you guys to the playground..." Ash assured the Pokemon as he got up from the grass and stretched. "But stay by me, okay? I don't want Team Rocket getting you guys."
"Azu azu rill?" Ami asked.
"Team Rocket is a group of people that do horrible and nasty things to Pokemon." Ash explained as he hoisted Ami on his shoulders. "I'd hate to see them catch you..."
"Ril..." Ami shuddered, afraid.
"Pika pika, Pipi! Pikachu pika pi!" Pikachu announced, his thunderbolt blanket fluttering out behind him like a cape.
"Zu!" Ami commanded, digging into Ash's shoulder.
"Ponyyyy-ta!" Ash cried, doing a PERFECT imitation of a Ponyta as he galloped off towards the playground, the other Pokemon in tow.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket strolled along the path, enjoying the sunshine along with the other park patrons. Meowth, meanwhile, was chattering on about a secret base...
"...and when da Pokemon come in, I'll press a button on dis wand, causing all who hear da music to least until I toin it off." Meowth explained.
"Meowth, you're a genius!" James smiled as the group approached the playground. "Oh look, happy Pokemon..." he cooed as he watched Ash push Ami on the swings. Pikachu and Bulbasaur were climbing on the jungle gym, and Cyndaquil and Totodile took turns going down the slide. Swellow and Grovyle ran across the dirt in a game of aerial tag.
"They look like they're having fun..." Jessie smiled as she and James sat down on a park bench overlooking the playground.
"In fact, I'm gonna try my new toy on them..." Meowth sneered, unaware that an inquisitive Azurill was about to press the she did so, a rousing polka blared from the stick!
"Whee!" Meowth cried in delight as he skipped across the grass.
"What's going on?" Ash ran over to check on the situation, only to find Jessie and James twirling about the grass, and Meowth turning cartwheels. Ami stood nearby, giggling with delight. "Well, aren't you clever, outwitting Team Rocket like that!" he cooed.
"Azu azu!" and Ami pressed another button, causing a waltz to drift across the hills.
"That should keep'em busy for a while!" Ash laughed as he hoisted Ami back onto his shoulders. "Ready for another Ponyta ride?" he smiled.
Day 3: Evening
"...and then Ami found the dance stick Meowth was going to use, turning their own scheme against them!" Ash concluded his story about the day's adventure to Misty and Brock.
"I would've loved to see that!" Misty giggled.
Brock smiled at Ami. "You were very brave, little managed to outsmart some very mean people today...
"Azu azu rill..." Ami explained as she glanced out the window at the stars. "Azu azuririll rill..." she smiled as Pikachu joined her on the windowsill.
"You didn't want them to catch Pikachu?" Ash was surprised.
"That was very nice of you..." Misty cooed to Ami.
"Say..." and Brock pulled of a chair to the windowsill, where Ami and Pikachu lay, watching the stars twinkle in the dark sky. "Did you know there's a very special Pokemon that lives up in the sky?" he asked, pointing out into the night.
"Azu?" Ami asked, interested. "Rill azu?"
"He's called Jirachi." Brock began. "and he guards dreams and wishes..."
"Rill? Azu azu!" Ami begged.
"You want to see him? Well...he only comes down to Earth once every thousand years..." Brock explained. "and that's a very long time."
"Azu..." Ami sighed.
"However...Ash and I were lucky enough to see him the last time he came to Earth." Brock continued, pausing to grab a piece of paper. "I'll draw you a picture." and he sketched a rough drawing of Jirachi dancing in the night sky.
"Ril..." Ami was impressed.
"So...if you want to make a wish tonight...just close your eyes and tell Jirachi what you wish for...and if you see a star go across the sky, that means he heard your wish, and will grant it soon." Brock explained.
"Azu..." Ami closed her eyes. "Azuriri, rill azu ri rill." she mumbled, then turned to look out the window.
"Look!" Misty cried, pointing out a shooting star streaking by the window.
"Azuriri azu?" Ami smiled.
"Jirachi heard your wish, that's right." Ash smiled as he carried Ami back to the back room and tucked her into bed. "Sweet dreams." he whispered as he flicked off the lights.