And now, the grand finale of this wild week!
Day 6, Afternoon
"Ash?" Misty called as she began putting groceries away and setting a piece of paper on the counter.
"Yeah?" Ash called back from the living room, where he was getting Ami ready for the day.
"Can you come help me put the groceries away?"
"Be right there!" Ash replied, setting Ami on the floor by Pikachu. "There with Pikachu for a while, okay? And be sure to play nice!"
"Azu ri!" Ami assured Ash as Pikachu grabbed a deck of cards and started dealing them out.
Ash, meanwhile, hurried to the kitchen, where Misty was loading various cans and bags of food in the pantry. "I'll take the heavy stuff." He volunteered, carefully loading bags of fruit and boxes of soda in the least until the paper on the table caught his interest.
"What's that?"
"A letter from Kendra...she's coming to take Ami home this evening." Misty explained. "Brock already knows about it, and I've told Ami about it...and she was thrilled."
"I would be too if I were--" Ash started, until a can slipped out from his arms and landed on his foot. "YEEEEOWWWW!"
"Are you okay?" Misty asked, stopping to tend to Ash, who was dancing around the room in pain.
Ash winced from the pain radiating from his throbbing toe. "It hurts..." Just then, some giggling wafted from the doorway, piquing Ash's interest. He turned towards the doorway and noticed Pikachu and Ami howling with laughter at Ash's dance of pain.
"You know, it's not nice to laugh at someone when they get hurt..." Misty started, but she was ignored as Pikachu and Ami continued to laugh.
"Pi Pipika..." Pikachu called into the living room. At that second, a guitar riff came drifting into the room, complete with the other Pokemon clapping. Pikachu, meanwhile, hurried into Ash's room and returned with one of his caps, only pausing long enough to clap twice before setting it on the floor.
Misty was puzzled. "What are they doing?"
Ash shrugged, still hopping in pain from his stubbed toe. "Beats me..." At that second, Pikachu started stomping on top of Ash's cap, apparently mocking Ash's hopping. The other Pokemon laughed and clapped along to the familiar tune of the Mexican Hat Dance drifting from the living room...
"What in the..." Misty gasped as the Pokemon continued their dance, laughing and giggling all the while.
"Don't ask me whose idea it was...but it sure looks like fun!" Ash laughed...and he joined in the dance; first imitating Pikachu, then kicking up his legs in rhythm to the beat, slowly at first, but then getting faster. "Hey, hey, hey. hey...
Misty couldn't resist laughing herself. "Careful, dance master..." Ash just pulled a triumphant pose as the music concluded.
"Azu ri!" Ami giggled.
"Again?" Ash panted, exhausted from the dance. "I'm still tired..."
Poit... The sudden sound of water dripping jolted Pikachu awake from a snooze. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, turned to look at the snoozing Ami lying next to him, then went back to sleep.
"Azu ri?" Ami wondered, curious as to why Pikachu was awake.
"Pika chu pika..." Pikachu assured the Azurill. "Pika chu..."
"Azu..." Ami yawned and returned to sleep, oblivious to the sounds of Misty on the phone, the
fwip of Brock reading a book, or the patter of the rain outside.
Poit...poit...poit... came the steady dripping from the bathroom...which by now was beggining to annoy Pikachu. "Pika..." he sighed, throwing his blanket off of him and hurrying into the bathroom, where one of the faucets was dripping incessantly. "Pika chu!" he called back, causing the other Pokemon to rush in.
"Cynda?" Cyndaquil asked as Pikachu struggled to turn the faucet off.
"Chu" Pikachu replied as the water seemingly shut off. But before he could leave the room, another
Poit came from the faucet. Annoyed, Pikachu stormed off to the living room...only to return with an armload of screwdrivers, wrenches and other tools.
"Azu ri?" Ami asked, piqued by all the noise coming from the bathroom.
"Pika pika pi chu..." Pikachu explained as he used the wrench to tighten the faucet.
"Ril!" and Ami grabbed another wrench, intent to help Pikachu and the others...but suddenly, there came a SNAP!...and water started to spray all over the room!
Cyndaquil gasped at the wildly spurting faucet. "Cyn...da..."
"Pi pika chu!" and Pikachu hurried downstairs....
Misty sighed as she settled on the couch next to Brock and flicked on the TV.
Now to relax a bit... She was about to get comfortable when she noticed Pikachu walking towards the kitchen "Pika pika chu...pi pika pikachu..." he sang as he carted some pots and pans upstairs.
"What was that all about?" Brock asked, looking up from his book.
"Oh, Pikachu was carrying some pots and pans to the bathroom." Misty replied. At that moment, Pikachu returned, this time carrying more pots and buckets. "Pika pika pi chu, pi pika chu..."
"You SURE everything's okay in there?" Brock was now a bit skeptical of Pikachu's constant trips back and forth to the bathroom.
"I think so..." Misty replied back, unaware that Pikachu was now carting even more buckets. "Pika chu pika..."
"Positive?" Brock asked again, gesturing to a suspiscious puddle of water forming at the bottom of the stairs. Misty gasped..."Your turn!" she and Brock replied at the same time...
"Pika pika!" Pikachu assured the group as he arranged more buckets to catch the waves of water, but water was coming out faster than he could catch it.
"Toto!" Totodile quickly attached a stopper on the leaking faucet....right as Misty and Brock entered the room, agape at the flooded bathroom.
Misty grumbled as as she went to get cleaning supplies. "Well, you didn't need to leave another mess before you went..."
Day 6, Evening.
"There she goes...home to Pewter..." Brock began as he waved goodbye to Kendra and Ami one more time.
"I'll admit, this was one wild week..." Ash smiled. "But, making messes or not, she was still a sweetheart..."
"I'll say..." Misty agreed.
"But one thing's for sure..." Brock sighed. "If I'm asked to Poke-sit again, please make the charges a little more behaved..."
"I know..." Ash groaned. "If I have to look after an Azurill again, I'll scream!"
"Which reminds me..." and misty produced a letter from her pocket. "A letter from Lily and Daisy...they're leaving for a Gym Leader's conference, and have no one to look after their Azurills--"
"AUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Ash's scream make the whole house shake.
Brock sighed. "Well, here we go again..."
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