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Adventures of Greg and the Gregguru Squad

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DestinyTrainer 10yrs

Deep in the Shinou forest, an orphaned boy was found by a Gregguru. That Gregguru took him in and raised him. 15 years later the Gregguru that raised him was horribly murdered by two shady people. The boy, Greg, and his "brothers and sisters" set out to find the murderers and avenge their father...


Well-Known Member
Marshtomp Man, I appreciate your enthusiasm to get out there and post a story and everything, but dont you think you could have put in a little more effort before doing so?

I mean, have you looked at any other fanfic in this forum, and actually read it? If you had read the rules and a few decent (As in three stars and above) fanfictions, I swear you'd come out with something a little better than this.

Make sure you read the two stickies at the top of the fanfic forum labelled 'Rules' and 'Advice for Aspiring Authors' and by following these things, you should come up with something thats ten times better than what you have here, no matter how good you are at writing.

Just asking for a little effort really, read a few things, get to know the forum a bit more, then write what you like.


shove 'er in! ;O
LOLZ! ZOMFG! THIS CHAPTER WAS PNAGE! I LOVED IT!! not...If this gets closed well, I wouldn't be surprised.

It's hardly a paragraph long.

No description


Not gripping

No background

Not Prologue standard

OH GOD! I NEED RITILIN!!! ZOMFG, dude, I'm not even gonna wish you luck cause there is no hope. Try posting this in the preview section or the fic idea thread.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
... Divinity if you're not gonna offer any real help now, stop spamming. Ok?

Anyways since Tale did what I would already have done- save the lack of using a frying pan to do so a couple times, I am also going to report this. As it seems when mods also post, it helps drive the point that the little noob or newbie needs to get better.


shove 'er in! ;O
Uh...and what did you do? You're going to report it to a mod? Where's your advice. YoU haven't pointed out a single thing. Yeah....that's helping a lot. And basically, I've said more than you have YR.

Missingno. Master

Poison-type Trainer
MarshtompMan, the prologue may not be exactly perfect, but the storyline seems pretty cool. Just add some description of the characters, setting, ect. to the mix, and you could have yourself a five-star fic here.

And Yami Ryu, I wish to apologize for the unnecessary slander previously contained in this post. I would've done it via PM, if you had chosen to accept PMs.
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Divinity, no you're not helping you just spammed right there and sued what some people would consider borderline flame which of coruse I'd end up clearing up if the OP wasn;t one of the few remotely sane ones.

MarshtompMan, I ask that you do read both threads and have a liddle skit about then repost, you'll see the hole you're sitting infront of pretty quickly :)

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