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Advice for team

Shayden XD

Hi I would like suggestions for pokemon that should be on my team, and advice for who I already have. Ill take any advice even nature changes. The things that are starred are the attacks Im not sure should be there.

Nature: lonely(to me thats a bad omen:D )
*False swipe
Crush Claw
Swords dance

Nature: bold
Ability: Levitate
Hyper beam
*Faint attack
*Dragon Claw

Nature: relaxed
Ability: Levitate
Dragon breath
*Ice beam

Nature: rash
Take down

The other two I cant decide. So tell me what you think they should be. Do me a favor though dont do lengendarys theyre so cheap.:D I would prefer a water type or electric. Thnx lots:D

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Is it for the Battle Frontier or for in-game use?

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
Nature: Adamant
-Shadow Ball
-Brick Break
-Swords Dance

Nature: Adamant
-Rock Slide
-Quick Attack/Screech/Fire Blast
-Quick Attack/Screech/Fire Blast

Nature: Modest
-Calm Mind
-Psychic/Ice Beam
-Dragon Claw/Thunderbolt
(BoltBeam covers more but PsyClaw gets STAB)

Nature: Lonely
-HP Ground;Fighting/Iron Tail

For water types I'd look into Milotic, Lapras, Lanturn, Swampert
For electric types, Jolteon, Manectric, Raichu, Magneton, Lanturn

Shayden XD

In game use. And I hate to say this but by battle frontier do you mean for the forums because if you do i dont know where it is. Im a noob. Hmm i dont know about flygon though Pika egg. Thats pretty vague.
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Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
No, I meant the Battle Frontier, not the forums. :)
As for the team, I don't think I need to say anything. Pika Egg's team suggestion is good enough.
i would suggest 1 tranitar:hyper beam,sandstrom,crunch,and trash
2 blastiose hyperbeam,surf,hydro cannon,ice beam
3 swampert hyper beam,surf ,dive and water fall
4 venusaur hyper beam,earthquake,cut and solar beam
5 sceptile dragon claw,hyper beam,leaf blade,and cut
6 metagross hyper beam,confusion,shadow ball,metor mash

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
i would suggest 1 tranitar:hyper beam,earthquake,crunch,and rock slide
2 blastiose hyperbeam,surf,hydro cannon,ice beam
3 swampert hyper beam,surf ,dive and earthquake
4 venusaur razor leaf,mega drain,sunny day and solar beam
5 sceptile dragon claw,hyper beam,leaf blade,and cut
6 metagross hyper beam,psychic,shadow ball,metor mash

Changes are in bold.

Shayden XD

Yeah I was thinking of Metagross. And all of those are nice heavy hitters. But mabye someone more agile and a stat reducer. See I dont usually support the "destroy all with no remorse tactic" im more of a strategic person.:D
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Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
Good grief....just say no to Hyper Beam, Hydro Cannon, Cut, multiple moves of the same type on any pokemon, etc.....

If you want to use Metagross, go for:

Nature: Adamant
-Meteor Mash
-Agility/Explosion/Sludge Bomb
-Agility/Explosion/Sludge Bomb

If you use Explosion and Sludge Bomb, give it a Choice Band, otherwise go for Leftovers. I'd either go for that or Agility + Explosion.

As for Flygon, I don't see what's so vague about my suggestions.. Choose two of the three moves for the last two slots. I'd go for Screech and Quick Attack, but that requires breeding, whereas Screech and FireBlast does not and lets you hit physical walls. Quick Attack and FireBlast gives you an all-out attacker.

Shayden XD

OK thats a good idea for Metagross. And I think Ill go with Sceptile since hes one of my favorites and hes a good addition.

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
Well adding Sceptile makes half your team weak to Ice... but if you still want to use it:

Nature: Timid
-Leaf Blade
-Leech Seed

Shayden XD

Ack!! I never thought about that. Good thing I have Arcanine.*whew* Thanks for the heads up.



Except for the fact that most Pokémon with Ice attacks are also Water types. If you want to beat that, you need a Water type of your own or a special wall (like Snorlax, Blissey, and Regice).

Shayden XD

I do have a Snorlax with thick fat.... Thatll work right?

Shayden XD

No need to be sarcastic-_-. What should it know?



What? How was I being sarcastic?!? o_O;;

Snorlax @Leftovers
-Body Slam/Return
-Earthquake/Shadow Ball
-Curse/Sleep Talk

Shayden XD

Nvm. Thnx alot. Now for my D/P team mwuhahahahaha. Any suggestions for starter. I was thinking Hikozaru.
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Shayden XD

Hello is anyone there!!!!???