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Advice on back-trading purchase

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Alright, I am wanting to trade from Gold to Emerald, but the problem is I never had a GBA/SP, I bought Emerald to play on my DS last year, to take me up to Pearl/Diamond. I really want to trade pokemon from Gold to Emerald and when I get it, Pearl. From what I can surmise, I need to buy a GBA (meh, only £15), but I don't know which link cables would work between an old Pocket Gameboy Colour and a GBA. This is the one I'm looking at, will this do the trick?

I'm only worried about Gold-Emerald trades, I know how to trade Emerald-Pearl with my DS. If anyone can advise me on the best link cable to get that would be great.

water types rule

Well-Known Member
I'll give you all the advice you need: the 2nd generation(G/S/C) isn't compatible with the 3rd generation(R/S/FR/LG/E). You cannot trade between the 2, so unless you want a GBA for some other reason don't get one. sorry if I'm seeming rude, but your Gold and Emerald cannot trade/battle eachother. I think it'd becasue of some IV change or something like that.


You're Illegal
You can't trade between GB/GBC pokemon games and GBA pokemon games, and You can only transfer pokemon from R/S/E/FR/LG to D/P, you can't trade back from D/P
You can't trade from Gold to Emerald? Oh well, scratch that idea. Just as well I posted first, lol.

Cheers guys.


yo cant trade it...
or you can get a link cable connecting from a gba to a gameboy, I dont know if there is such thing
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