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Adzie's *T'* Cards!


Master Trainer
Adzie's *Trainer Cards!*


I will make a few trainer cards for people i won't make them often so you will have to wait for them. Sorry about that but that's the way it is :)

Trainer cards!

Anywho, Here's an example of one of mine
By the way that's my trainer on there please don't steal her. I mixed her myself :p

What you need for the TCs are:
Trainer: (Please include sprite, if not, you might not get the one you want)
Badges: (Not the orange league)
Pokemon: (Next to trainer) *optional*
Pokemon: (Up to 6)
Favourite type: (e.g. Water,Grass)
Background: (Either provide me with one or i'll find one myself.)

Thank you :)

Coordinator cards!
Here is one of my Coordinator cards:

Trainer: (Please include sprite, if not, you might not get the one you want)
Ribbons: (Can only choose from ones in the picture, or provide your own)
Pokemon: (Next to trainer) *optional*
Pokemon: (Up to 6)
Background:(Provide a link please)

Double Battle Trainer cards!
I only just started these, we'll see how we get on with them. Here is my frist one:

Trainer1: (Please include sprite, if not, you might not get the one you want)
Trainer2:(As above)
Badges1: (Not the orange league)
Badges2: (As above)
Pokemon: (Next to trainers *up to 2*) *optional*
Pokemon1: (3)
Pokemon2: (3)
Background: (Either provide me with one or i'll find one myself.)

Does anyone want one then?

I also do mixes if anyone is interested. Only trainers though.
Please ask if you wish to use one of them.
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Master Trainer
Sorry to DP but i just made all the ones in my sig :)

For my brother, i also made:

I do have other Bgs, my brtoher just wanted the same one. I also did the mix for his trainer.

Golden Mew

Well-Known Member
Those are interesting!

Can I have a card, please?

Name: Falcon
Trainer: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/rstrainer76.png Her, but with blonde hair.
Badges: Hoenn
Pokemon: Suicine - can you make it wrap it's cloak to hide a bit of her body?
Pokemon: Latias, Lugia, Salamence, Vaporeon, Milotic, Kyogre. Can you make all the water Pokemon have blue sparkles around them, and the flying Pokemon have white sparkles around them?
Favourite type: Water, Flying, Grass.
Background: http://www.hawaiipictures.com/pictures/bigisland/sunsets1_tmb.jpg



Master Trainer
Which one as a background?
I'm not sure i can do the suicune thing but i'll try, what sort of sparkles? Round the edge, on the body or what?

Edit: I've done 4, one with no BG, 3 with different ones. Since i didn't know which one you wanted, yours may not be there! Tell me which one you want and ill seperate it, or you can do that yourself if you wish to :)
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Golden Mew

Well-Known Member
OMG! Winona looks.... wierd! Can you do her hair a little less bright? Ok, and for the background, can you just do turquoise with white hearts?

Oh, by the way, you know the sparkles I was talking about? Can you just do little stars around them, to pretend they're sparkling?

I know it's a challenge, but I think you're great at making these cards.

John Ray

England Rules!!!
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John Ray

England Rules!!!
Yeah you can make Brock and Rayquaza samller to fit! Thanks

And can you change the pokemon's order any order would do!

John Ray

England Rules!!!

Soory for this but can you make Brock and Rayquaza smaller so hat you can see the "Traine'r card". Please
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John Ray

England Rules!!!
I just heard that your making Contest Trainer cards so can you make me one please!

Background: cool background
pokemon: Ninetales, Raichu, Gorebyss, Blaziken, Feraligatr and Flygon
Pokemon: Latios and Latias with me.

Thank you!

Normal trainer

Could you please make me a trainer card:
Badges: Hoenn league
Pokemon: Kecleon
Pokemon: Slaking,Blissey,Porygon2,Shedinja,Girafarig and Castform.
Favourite type: Normal pokemon
Background: Could it be a beach?

Golden Mew

Well-Known Member
Hey, what about my card?