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aerodactyl counters


Well-Known Member
No, all Fire types bar Camerupt and Blaziken are weak to Rock and thus will get O/2HKOd by STAB CB Rock Slide.

To counter Aerodactyl, you need prediction.

Metagross switches into everything but Earthquake, in which a Flying type like Zapdos or a Levitator like Claydol switches in. Skarmory, despite the fact that it can't take Rock Slides, can switch into the rest of standard CB Aerodactyl's moveset. Rock Resist+Normal/Flying Resist+Ground Resist/Immunity should be on almost every team, imo.
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Beginning Trainer
well ive been trying to build a mono-fire team and ive been able to adress every pokemon thrown at me with the exception of kyoger and kingdra. (but of course that cant be helped save for some luck) but areodactyl is the only poke i cant deal with. im thinking about using groudon and giving him like thunderbolt or hp electric.


Well-Known Member
Mono teams will always have trouble countering specific threats. For example, a Flying team will always go down to Hidden Power [Ice] Raikou or another Boltbeam user.

You could try something like a max HP/max Defense Blaziken with Counter as it could then take the Rock Slide and Counter for the OHKO. Max HP and Defense Blaziken with a +Defense nature will always survive Hidden Power [Flying] at full health. Granted, you'd lose your main Snorlax killer so you might have to think of other options.


Good Eye Sniper
Entei might work with max Hp some def and Hiddin Power Ice. Or any fire guy that can Endure to get a Salac Berry stat boost.


Master of Charizard
Maybe a possible way to at least dent Aerodactyl a good bit is to have Arcanine with Endure and Overheat holding Salac Berry, maxing out speed and special attack EV's. Other than that, I guess that Blazekin is your only other option.


Wants name change
well ive been trying to build a mono-fire team and ive been able to adress every pokemon thrown at me with the exception of kyoger and kingdra. (but of course that cant be helped save for some luck) but areodactyl is the only poke i cant deal with. im thinking about using groudon and giving him like thunderbolt or hp electric.

Groudon isn't even Fire.

The only good one I can think of is Endrev Blaziken. You'll probably need Rock Slide and/or Swords Dance on there too.


Well-Known Member
I think Entei


A lot of the time Areo will be cooperating with Tyrannitar. So, End/whatever sets will not work. Fire types are really not meant to deal with Areo. If you can get CB Areo to Quake send Moltres in and your opponent will switch out, but that's about it...

HP Rock Arcanine? lol