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AG 157: Bonsly and the Ninja School

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Fierce Deity said:
The focus appears to be on Brock
The main focus of the preview isn't on Brock; he's in the preview for 1 second, maybe 3 if it's him who is giving Bonsly milk. The episode is most likely going to focus on him, but the preview doesn't.

I can't believe Forretress is actually out of its pokeball and doing something. It's one of my favorite Brock pokemon, and it's a shame we never get to see it.

The main goal in the preview seems to be to catch Bonsly. That brown-haired kid appears a lot, and the ninja school teacher looks very cute. I love Bonsly already; the way it moves around is teh cute. I can't wait to see how Brock gets it (hopefully by an actual battle/capture rather than that stupid "we became friends and I want to go along with you" crap).

I'll close by saying the animation rocks. Tucker's episode had stellar animation, and I'm surprised to see another great looking episode so soon.


Be Wise, Tell Lies.
V Faction said:
Apparently it is. Don't know why they went with this Shadow Clone (naruto humor, ha-ah) style of technique when it could've been put to use with another move.
Well, seeing as Double Team's Japanese name is 'shadow dividing', I think it's quite suitable.


Plain Trainer
I just watched the preview. Looks cool enough. An ordinary filler. I was hoping to see Koga's sister (I forget her name) again but oh well. It is a miracle Brock's Foretress is back!!!!! How many eps has it been? I wonder if Bonsly belongs to anyone or if Brock will get it.


Super Gamer
Max is actually a possibility. If anyone has seen the opening you will notice that Max trips over a Bonsly. So you know - he could possibly be the one to get it - or maybe Brock. This gets rid of the idea of Bonsly hatching out of May's egg.



Super Gamer
Well I know that but this confirms to those weirdos who thought it was in the egg. I myself think its Zigzagoon because its brown and has a zigzag on it.


Almighty Zard

He has returned.
wonder if celebi is following the group or not, cause since May is still there, it makes you wonder how they are gonna pull off the time travel bit in the next episode assumming of course Celebi hasn't sent them back already.


Poison Tail!!
Not the darn egg thing again... Ok lets say this the zigzags on Mays egg are even and look similar to Eevee's collar. Zigzagoon's zigzags on the other hand are uneven and would fit into each other. The ones on the egg cant do that. Also Ziggys egg would most likely have more stripes.

Anyway back on topic here. The preview looks cool. Im not sure if i like Bonsly getting fed from a bottle. It seems weird. Is this the first time weve seen a pokemon fed like that? I couldnt see the preview too well. The images were all messed up. Maybe its my computer speed. If Brock does capture Bonsly i would like to see him battle it to catch it. When was the last time a main character battled to catch a pokemon? Befriending them is nice sometime but i wanna see a real capture from them. Whoo for Forretressu! Maybe he'll do something else besides Rapid Spin. I really like these ninja episodes. There are so many cool pokemon that were like made for this stuff. Shiftry, Scizor, Ninjask, Keckleon, Ariados, Crobat, Pineco etc. Its too bad Janine doesnt show up. It would have been cool to see her and/or Koga again. If Koga had his FR/LG look id be happy happy. Why dont they bring back the awesome Kanto gym leaders? Eh anyway this ep looks cool for a possible filler.


Super Gamer
You eager fans of a silly Eevee. Eevee is a total cliché at this point. Anyway - Bonsly is as pointless as Igglybuff and the other Baby Pokémon.



Yeah, ok!
Eevee may be a cliche, but considering the last couple of Pokemon May has gotten:

Bulbasaur, a female version of Ash's Bulbasaur.

Munchlax, a more annoying and hyperactive version of Ash's Snorlax.

Squirtle, a crybaby turned uber version of Ash's Squirtle, the leader of the Squirtle Squad.

Eevee = Replacement for Skitty and one of those cute popular RBY Pokemon that the writers never got a chance to stick on a main character until now.

Remember how Misty wanted to keep an Eevee but couldn't because it was Mikey's? Looks like we're getting the payback for it now. To be honest I like Eevee, I just hope it doesn't turn into another Super Skitty.



So let me get this straight. We have an episode containing the words 'Ninja School'. We have a girl who is a ninja. She has an Ariados.

...Oh lol. :D Let's not only have Janine not appear again, but let's give her ugly, cheery-a*s replacement one of her signature Pokemon! ^___^ And plonk her with some guy so the bratty kawaii shippers will have someone to pair her with. :D

I feel sick. I really do.



So hot he's on fire.
Same grievances as Alfonso, here. Only saving grace is that the guy is cute.

The writers lose AGAIN. When are they going to learn?! Jesus.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I don't believe this but I agree with Alfonso. We have Ninjas and yet no sign of Janine. Not mention they've passed Celadon City which means no Erika. Not mention is looks like a filler and a rehash of that Johto episode were spider on steroids Ariados first showed its ugly mug. I just hope the plot saves this episode. From what I can tell, this is an awful filler.


Well-Known Member
No Cameos
No Egg Hatching / Bonsly out of the egg
No "Part 2" of Time-Traveling theme from previous episode and next

It's just as I predicted :p

It looks like there's a rogue bonsly on the loose and everyone's trying to capture it. Of course it's going to be a crybaby, some artwork shows it with a tear-like tattoo (it's been in prison?), so I'm guessing it has Fake Tears as a signature move.

Those aren't Brock's arms holding the bonsly and feeding it, so I'm going to predict no capture.

Spikes was a good move, though.
Uh... The Ranger ep may be a 2-parter since its the reanger ep with celebi then may travels in time in the next ep.


Contaminated KFC
Judai Yuki said:
Uh... The Ranger ep may be a 2-parter since its the ranger ep with celebi then may travels in time in the next ep.
...what the hell are you talking about? The Ranger episode aired yesterday. This one airs next week. The time travel episode airs 2 weeks after that.
So do the math.

And considering I haven't yet said anything constructive about this episode as of yet...

The animation is actually looking pretty damn decent. And really, I'm happy that I've been able to say that so often recently. Its comforting to see episode after episode produced without all of them looking like they hired disgruntled 10 year olds to draw each frame.
Though I can't say the episode itself looks particulary interesting. Its saving grace however, is the plethora of underused pokémon, and Ninjask appearing again gets a definate thumbs up in my book. Hopefully it will have more use than being an inevitable Double Team and Tackle glutton.
Though saying that, Shiftry's Double Team looked rather impressive~

Sudowoodo >>>> Bonsly in every way possible. Personally, I'm not too impressed with that cutesy crybaby routine. I've seen it before with Squirtle and it wasn't entirely a pleasent experience. Personallities like that really don't do it for me~

Its in Fushia City. These are freaking Ninjas. Theres apparantly a Ninja SCHOOL. Theres an Ariados. Its like they were planning on having Janine appear all along, but then suddenly remembered they're not allowed to have any character cameos from past games!
Enter :~Filler Ninja of 1000 Generic Shadow Personallities~:.
Ohh, dodged a bullet there didn't they?


Well-Known Member
This close to Fuschia, yet no Koga? Damn.

sadly, it's not what I expected.
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