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AG 157: Bonsly and the Ninja School

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Almighty Zard

He has returned.
Porygandrew said:
Those aren't Brock's arms holding the bonsly and feeding it, so I'm going to predict no capture.

actually the group are wearing ninja outfits in this episode and Brocks just happens to blue, so there is still a possiblity of him getting it.


Contaminated KFC
Porygandrew said:
Those aren't Brock's arms holding the bonsly and feeding it, so I'm going to predict no capture.
...Yes they are. He's the only character with that skin color 0_o

Eternal Eievui

Well-Known Member
First thing:


OMG. Seriously, HOW long has it been since Takeshi let that poor thing out for some exercise?

Usohachi is an interesting Pokémon. If Takeshi is going to capture one, this episode should be it. There have been ample chances for it to happen beforehand and we were all disappointed. Me may as well get all of the blatant 4th Generation advertising out of the way so we can finally GET there and have the episodes be of some substance.

The episode might be some recycled Jouto crud but who doesn't love cute ninja girls? :D


Well-Known Member
Almighty Zard said:
actually the group are wearing ninja outfits in this episode and Brocks just happens to blue, so there is still a possiblity of him getting it.
Oh, I missed that part. Heh, they're dressed up in Ninja Outfits?

**watches again**

heh, they are! Brock does that whole fall-over-thingie, too.

Well with that in mind, If indeed it's Brock holding bonsly, then I'd say that Brock has forretress put down spikes to keep bonsly from moving (humanely). Someone (TR?) tries to attack bonsly, but brock sends 'em flying (with pikachu's help, o'course). Afterwards he comforts the lil' shrub and perhaps...
the link is no the first page i'm sry when i first looekd at the guide i saw may travels through time b4 the bonsly ep

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Bonsly should be renamed the cry baby pokemon.....
great to see forretress, I wonder if anyone will catch Bonsly at all


Master Trainer
Looks really wierd, kind of looks like Naruto, when they all went into the forest for their chuunin exam.
Are people after bonsly?
Looks like at the end bit, when bonsly is about to be attacked, that Brock will jump in and save him. IMO.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Adzieboy said:
Looks really wierd, kind of looks like Naruto, when they all went into the forest for their chuunin exam.
Are people after bonsly?
Looks like at the end bit, when bonsly is about to be attacked, that Brock will jump in and save him. IMO.
it looks as if Bonsly is trapped via Spikes, most possibly Forretress'

my conclusion:
Brock will battle Bonsly with Forretress

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
Bonsly should be renamed the cry baby pokemon.....
great to see forretress, I wonder if anyone will catch Bonsly at all
well when it was revealled in Coro-Coro it said it likes to do fake tears a lot.


Izit cuz I is black?
This is cool, and some amazing pokemon reappear. And the possible unfillerness is warming after that Celebi doodat messed up so badly.


R.I.P. Ridley
Sherlock Shuckle said:
it looks as if Bonsly is trapped via Spikes, most possibly Forretress'

my conclusion:
Brock will battle Bonsly with Forretress

Hmm...it could be that Bonsly wants Brock to actually battle it before letting him capture it. That's happened several times before, like in the Treecko ep.

V Faction

Kawaiiest.Combusken said:

Well, seeing as Double Team's Japanese name is 'shadow dividing', I think it's quite suitable.
What sense does it make to turn a move that's been the same ever since its conception into something totally different?

Oh, heh. Silly me. They've already done that before. Quiet time now.


Well-Known Member
Tendo128 said:
Hmm...it could be that Bonsly wants Brock to actually battle it before letting him capture it. That's happened several times before, like in the Treecko ep.

This is more of an Ash thing though, isn't it? Sure, it could happen... but it just seems to be a recurring way in which pokemon choose to challenge Ash.

Matt Silver

Rest My Chemistry
Woah! Ariados, Kecleon, Shiftry!!!!!!, Nijask! Bonsly! FORRETRESS!
OMG that is awesome, that lot are like 6 of my fave pokemon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm predicting that ther might be this Nija tournament, it's a school right?
Brock or Ash and co will join in and Brock will win. The prize is to ctach a new pokemon name Bonsly! Brock catches it. The end.

Or another trainer owns Bonsly and he fights Brock.


;ord of pokebattles
there are pics over at pokemon palace and i believe one of the pics had Tangela or was i imagining it well if it is in the ep that'll be good as it been so long since we last saw Tangela appear.

Anyway great to see Fortress in action again.
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