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al my fakemons, you can ask here fakemons, ...


Boulder Trainer
Heyz, i'm am CuteMightyena and i am a fakemonmaker.

You can ask here for fakemons and i'l make them.


Al these fakemons, edits, recolors, remakes, ... are from me.

Som of these fakemons are not good, but they ware make in my beginner time.
Now i'm in my Prof time.
oh yes, i give credit to the pokémon factory for the Rhinox sprite that i have revampend

lets the requests begin
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OMG...these are great...can we adopt them if we give you credit?


Kauser il più grande
Their pretty good, you could use some more work. Some of the things, such as the Skitty/Suicune/Espeon/Charmander are very choppy. By the way, these aren't fakemon. Their called 'Mixes' or 'Fusions'.
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Boulder Trainer
i dont like if other humans borrow my sprites, and if you give me credit i dont like iet (again)
so no, but if other humans like my fakemons very mutch, maybe you can borrow my fakemon but give me credits

what are fakemons anyway, if theye aren't mixes, fusiuns, revamps, recolors, what are they than? scratchs?
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Pokemon Master
dude there great n' all but some of em' look like there "copy post"ed

and one of em' (the grey horn one at the bottom) was actually from the main site exept you recolored it:


so you should give credit!


Kauser il più grande
Fakemons are very, very complicated mixes, so complicated that you can't tell where the parts are from, or scratches. In other words, completely original ones.


Boulder Trainer
these sort of minuns and plusle, they are brothers of plusle en minun
the gold one is Viertos
the silver one is Isae
the purple one is Delam
and finaly the green one is Malus (there are two forms i made of Malus)

that little Girafarig is Girig, the pre evo of Girafarig
that Flareon is a sprite by me, is a sprite of Flareon where you can see the mound of him
That rare magnemite is a scratch, its the pre evo of Magnemite
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No comment really, I'm not too good at rating...btw, give credit to Coronis for sprites you used such as Rukario and Manyula, OR ELSE...


some appear as fakemon, but others still are mixes also rember to give credit where credit is due.


I now your Dutch so i`l gonna talk Dutch.
In het begin was je nog niet zo goed maar naar een paar maanden ben je steeds beter geworden.
Goed werk.
woaw, Dutch people galore <_<

Het zijn geen Fakemon, alleen maar edits van normale Pokemon, en sommige zijn nog best slecht ook, maar je gaat de goede richting op. Probeer eens custom Pokemon te make, :)


Trick-or-Treater said:
woaw, Dutch people galore <_<

Het zijn geen Fakemon, alleen maar edits van normale Pokemon, en sommige zijn nog best slecht ook, maar je gaat de goede richting op. Probeer eens custom Pokemon te make, :)

Kan jij ook Nederlands?


In Dutch:ze zijn heel goed er zijn een paar fakemon erbij maar de meeste zijn gewoon mixes. GOED GEDAAN:)


Trick-or-Treater said:
please people, speak English, this is an Enlgish forum so please do so.

SilverPhantom: Yes, I'm Dutch too.

Oke ;)


Dawnstar said:
No comment really, I'm not too good at rating...btw, give credit to Coronis for sprites you used such as Rukario and Manyula, OR ELSE...

actually the rukario (the one i saw or the only one) was from Pokesho.com

anyway, nice work


There are some really bad ones in there, and some are pretty good for mixes.
You need to give credit to pokesho.com for the Rukario sprite and serebii.net for the fake one...

Dutch: sommige zien er verdacht veel op andere sprites die ik heb gezien. Zet a.u.b. de namen erbij van degenen die die sprites hebben gemaakt die jij hebt edited. Dankjewel


Susan_Rocket said:
There are some really bad ones in there, and some are pretty good for mixes.
You need to give credit to pokesho.com for the Rukario sprite and serebii.net for the fake one...

Dutch: sommige zien er verdacht veel op andere sprites die ik heb gezien. Zet a.u.b. de namen erbij van degenen die die sprites hebben gemaakt die jij hebt edited. Dankjewel

Your also Dutch?`
