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All my Pinball Revamps!


Well-Known Member
First all enjoy! it all my Pinball revamps and it all pinball revamps!
if you remeber the first told my to do all kanto pokemon!
if somebody wont to use it he can but give my a credit!
the first theard is here: http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=153477&highlight=Pinball+Revamps

and now the work:


Cool story.
Not bad. Not bad. I don't know why halowarrior didn't ask this but, have you checked the offical Johto Revamp Thread? Halowarrior and myself co-own it. Would you consider doing some Pokemon sprite revamps for our thread? And, I am asking you this because your revamps are very impressive.


guess whos back?
Great job. I did notice something though-Your outlines are too light. (Mr. Mime, Kakuna, ect). Try using some black ouline, or if you dont like black, add a darker shade to it. Other then that, they are perfect.


Well-Known Member
Good job revamping 151 sprites. Most look very well, but the outline is too light in most of them. Just work up some of them, and then I would call this a great revampdex. (I am working on revamping the Kanto Pinball sprites too.)


Well-Known Member
Not bad. Not bad. I don't know why halowarrior didn't ask this but, have you checked the offical Johto Revamp Thread? Halowarrior and myself co-own it. Would you consider doing some Pokemon sprite revamps for our thread? And, I am asking you this because your revamps are very impressive.

first all thanks for anybody!
you shjore if can i work on joto remaps thearth!


Well-Known Member
They're pretty good, though...there's too little black outline in most and too much dithering in most. That's really all I see wrong with it, the dithering and the black outline lack. Anyways, good job. xP