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All My Shadow Pokemon are Emo, and other stange things that happened to you on Colo

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Alright, this is to talk about the strange Colosseum thing that have happened to you. 'All my shadow pokemon are Emo' in the scence that they all go into hyper mode after every other turn. Fourtonetly, theyve all been the right natures to be purified that way


Fog Trainer
I wish this would happen for me. I end up doin the cheat in agate villiage lol


Mmmmmmmmmm emo eh???? mmmmmm mine go hyper after the othe pokemon attacks is hyper. It make purifying quiker but uh, terrible to battle

The Fly

Well-Known Member
I have to deal with this as well; it gets extremely annoying after a while, especially if I end up with a win-or-lose situation; that turn being wasted sometimes ends up being a disaster for me.
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