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All of the possibly clever titles have been used!




Feels weird typing this, 'cause normally, I'm the one welcoming newbies to forums. What a mix-up! Actually, I've been meaning to join to Serebii Forums for a quite a while, but I sort of get distracted by the site itself every time. This time, I succeeded! I'm sure everyone cares.

Uhm, the normal introduction stuff? I go by Destry. I'm a sixteen year old who still loves Pokemon. I'm guessing I'm not alone, but if I am, er... too bad. I'll be like your big sister. <3 I don't necessarily have a favorite pokemon, but among the top ranks are Cubone and Chansey. Don'ow why.

I like shippings, but I hate 'ship debates, so I'll decline my favorites there.

N' yeah, it's a big community, so I'll probably get swallowed up in it, or something of the like. It's cool to be here, though. Well-organized place with a lot of love put into it, just like Serebii.net itself!


Kauser il più grande
Welcome! Make yourself cozy, but read the rules over twice. Don't want to get in trouble with the mods... ^_^ And make sure not to use very many smilies, 'cause people will hate you if you do! just PM me if you need help with anything! Good luck and have a good time! ^_^

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
Wellcome to your nightmare!! No really Nah I am joking hello wellcome make you read the rule because I didn't but I still follow them anyway oh and don't pick fight with the mod not I had but I have people do it and they got banned.

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
I don't think you really need to read the rules much, you have common sense. I think you're going to be a pretty darn good member.
Welcome, I guess o.o

BTW, I'm almost 15 and the age average here is 13-19.
Hi Destry! Welcome to Serebii Forums. I hope you have a nice time around. :)

And don't worry. I'm 19 and still full into Pokémon. ;) I'm a man of few words, though, so... it's nice to see you here!

PM me if you have any doubt or question. BTW, this place is just organized at first sight... ;)

Welcome! Man, it's been long since I did that. XD.


Kauser79 said:
Welcome! Make yourself cozy, but read the rules over twice. Don't want to get in trouble with the mods... ^_^ And make sure not to use very many smilies, 'cause people will hate you if you do! just PM me if you need help with anything! Good luck and have a good time! ^_^
Aw, yo. Thanks. I've read the rules, but I'll read 'em again for good measure! No worries about emoticons, though, I'm not big on them. The occasional one makes it in, but I can see where a bucnh of (smiley, frowney, dewgong, unown A, crying LOL) would really get annoying. But again, thanks a bunch!

blaze boy said:
Wellcome to your nightmare!! No really Nah I am joking hello wellcome make you read the rule because I didn't but I still follow them anyway oh and don't pick fight with the mod not I had but I have people do it and they got banned.
I should hope it's not the beginning of my nightmare! I was pretty sure that ended once I'd captured Chansey in LG. Toook a few hours. And thanks for the advice! I don't think I'll be bugging any of the mods. If I do, I'll just have to look back and say, "Man, that guy was right..."

Tropius Master said:
I don't think you really need to read the rules much, you have common sense. I think you're going to be a pretty darn good member.
Welcome, I guess o.o

BTW, I'm almost 15 and the age average here is 13-19.
Aww, thank you! I'm flattered. <3
And really? Thirteen to nineteen? I'm so used to seeing chatspeaking nine-year-olds, I s'pose I just... didn't think about it. That's awesome!

Orion Master said:
Hi Destry! Welcome to Serebii Forums. I hope you have a nice time around. :)

And don't worry. I'm 19 and still full into Pokémon. ;) I'm a man of few words, though, so... it's nice to see you here!

PM me if you have any doubt or question. BTW, this place is just organized at first sight... ;)

Welcome! Man, it's been long since I did that. XD.
Hey, thank you! So we have an Orion and Torpius Master. That's pretty nifty. I'm glad to know that being older and liking Pokemon isn't a crime around here, so I have a hope of fitting, I think. And I agree -- it's super-organized (like woah!).

But yes, thank you again!
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Double Posting right there, breaking the rules
tsk tsk
You might not have known what double posting was though. Just use edit button next :3
Welcome, you seem like you're going to be a good member.

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
Destry said:
I don't think I'll be bugging any of the mods. If I do, I'll just have to look back and say, "Man, that guy was right..."
Nah. You'll be fine. Just remember to stay awy from that Wolf Goddess girl. She's nuts. XP. J/K.

...Boy, Sierra is totally going to kill me. XDD.

Destry said:
Aww, thank you! I'm flattered. <3
I only speak the truth. =o
You're smart. That's a rare charactreristic on newbs here. >____>;;

Destry said:
And really? Thirteen to nineteen? I'm so used to seeing chatspeaking nine-year-olds, I s'pose I just... didn't think about it. That's awesome!
One of my best friends here, Wolf Goddess, (You should know her) is 29. XP.

Destry said:
Hey, thank you! So we have an Orion and Torpius Master. That's pretty nifty.
I bet you'll find the fact that we're best friends even niftier, then. xD

Destry said:
I'm glad to know that being older and liking Pokemon isn't a crime around here, so I have a hope of fitting, I think.
You will. But just a warning: Even if you ARE a homophobic asshole, keep it to yourself. It's the easiest way to be hated in an anime community. And if you do, you'll have to respont to my twin, (Term on this forum for 'best friends' or something. There's a twin thread in the Miscellaneous Discussion) Phantom_Bugsy. And trust me, you don't want that. Nor do I. No homophobia gets past me, either.

Destry said:
And I agree -- it's super-organized (like woah!).
Because you don't know it well. XDD.

Destry said:
But yes, thank you again!
You're welcome. =0
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Well-Known Member
Hey, welcome to the forums! Most people here don't speak chatspeak, even some of the younger ones. I'm only 12, but I act older than I am, so welcome and have a great stay here!

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Tropius Master said:
Nah. You'll be fine. Just remember to stay awy from that Wolf Goddess girl. She's nuts. XP. J/K.

...Boy, Sierra is totally going to kill me. XDD.

*kills you*
*grills you*
*feeds you to Nagini*


Tropius Master said:
One of my best friends here, Wolf Goddess, (You should know her) is 29. XP.

Yup. I'm the old fart of the forum. =0

Anyway, welcome. It good to see intelligent new people joining here.

+Chaos Blade+

Well, I guess you learn something new everyday here at SPPf.

Welcome, Destry. This is +Chaos Blade+, the fourteen-year-old guy who still loves Pokémon. It's finally great to have an intelligent [new] poster here, as most newbies normally post a smilie or two in their posts.

Anyway, welcome. This place is very easy to get accustomed to, and if you post in areas you like to, you won't be an ignored shell, like some of us here. -.- Check the rules often. They change.

All in all, welcome to Serebii.net.

+Chaos Blade+

Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
Hi, welcome! I hope you like it here. And being a teen/adult and still liking Pokemon is nothing to be ashamed of - most of us here are guilty of it. (I'm 13) I really like this place, and I hope you learn to like it too. So have fun! ^^


No avatard plz
What she said.I'm 13 and I waz on this web site tel midnight .But that doz not say I'm a geek!
I omley like to tell my friends this. But IHATEwhen the public knows that I like pokemon!
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true love
I certainly hope you won't be like some people here.. hehe. Though I'm also sorta new here, at least the forums.. I've seen my share of stupidity here. Mostly members, but I haven't met the moderators and such. But um.. hi and welcome? o_O Pretty good site and sources, so yeah, I agree with you on the site comments.

And about the age.. Well, I'm 19 and I still like Pokémon. ;p Actually, it's more toward the games than anime, but that's because of my lack of interest in TV's and such. But I do so desire the Japanese series.. legally, I mean. *Grin* And I don't really care anymore if people knows I like Pokémon, after caring so much that I lost touch with it (deep sigh now).

Well, I'm done.. Sorry for the long comment here.

Scizor King

Scizor owns you.
Welcome. Have a good time. I know this place like the back of my hand, so I'll help anytime!