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All Starters cept bulbasaur and chicorita here!!


Man beast Trainer
ive got all the starters except bulbasaur and chickorita. Im willing to trade for a few items such as stone edge, choice band, and various power items like powerbelt e.c.t. so if u wanna trade post back. if u dont want any of the starters ask for what you want i might have it.


Man beast Trainer
aww crap dude im so sorry i dnt have totodile i feel like such a noob but i can give u the other starters and im sure of that


New Member
Well, Totodile and Chikorita are the only starters I don't have right now, so I don't really need any of the others you're offering. Do you have any other decent Pokemon I could get?
Perhaps a Porygon2 or a Porygon holding the Upgrade?


New Member
I have both of them, I can trade you them for two Plates, don't care about plates's type


New Member
Maybe some FRLG Legendaries or Porygon2 (or Porygon with Upgrade attached). I'll even go for Magby/Elekid.


Man beast Trainer
alright for deep thought i have charmander and squirtle. and for chessy puff yes i have a swampert. what can u trade me? ps sry i took so long 2 post back serebii takes forever to load lol


Man beast Trainer
alright for deep thought i have charmander and squirtle. and for chessy puff yes i have a swampert. what can u trade me? ps sry i took so long 2 post back serebii takes forever to load lol


Trainer of Justice
I will give you your missing chikorita for a totodile