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All the Unlockables and Acheivement List for STH06 (MAJOR SPOILERS!)


Iblis Wings
Let's just say there's a lot of actual good rewards and no thanks for playing crap like what Heroes and Shadow gave. That and new thread since spoilers and all.


Anyways, here the basic list, taken from this new info and from what I knew earlier.

Complete all missions in a character story- Unlock Difficult Mode for character (Any Rank) (Think of it like Super-Hard Mode)

Collect all S-Ranks with all characters- Unlock the REAL last story ending. (This is even a suprise to me)

Once you get all S-Ranks, you can buy "Super" in the shops. This confirms that Super is playable in the levels!

Complete all of the Town Stage Missions (with any rank)= Unlock Tails.

Complete all of the Missions given by the agent (GUN Commander) (With any rank)= Unlock Rouge

Complete all of the missions to the mystery of Soleana (Any Rank)= Unlock Blaze

Complete all of the Town Stage Missions (S-rank)= Unlock Knuckles.

Complete all of the Missions given by the agent (GUN Commander) (S-Rank)= Unlock Omega

Complete all of the missions to the mystery of Soleana (S-Rank)= Unlock Amy

Now for the actual Acievements.

I'll post them here anyways.

1. Sonic Episode: Cleared - Clear Sonic Episode! 30-GS
2. Shadow Episode: Cleared - Clear Shadow Episode! 30-GS
3. Silver Episode: Cleared - Clear Silver Episode! 30-GS
4. One to reach the end - End the last hidden story. 20-GS
5. Sonic Episode: Completed - Clear unlocked Sonic difficult level mission. 40-GS
6. Shadow Episode: Completed - Clear unlocked Shadow difficult level mission. 40-GS
7. Silver Episode: Completed - Clear unlocked Silver difficult level mission. 40-GS
8. Shadow Episode: Mastered - Clear all unlocked Shadow ACT Missions with Rank S. 60-GS
9. Sonic Episode: Mastered - Clear all unlocked Sonic ACT Missions with Rank S. 60-GS
10. Silver Episode: Mastered - Clear all unlocked Silver ACT Missions with Rank S. 60-GS
11. Nights of Kronos - Unlock the complete ending to the last hidden story. 60-GS
12. Legend of Soleanna - Overcome all trials and accomplish a great feat. 100-GS
13. Silver Medalist - When you collect all the Silver Medals scattered around Soleanna... 50-GS
14. Gold Medalist - When you collect all the Soleanna legendary Gold Medals... 50-GS
15. Blue Phantom - Super Sonic Obtain the all moves. 20-GS
16. Ultimate Life Form - Resurrect the ultimate power from the lost memory. 20-GS
17. Psychic Soldier - Obtain all the power to save the future world. 20-GS
18. Soleanna's Hero - Solve all Soleannans' problems. 40-GS
19. Elite Agent - Complete all the tasks given as agent. 40-GS
20. Silver The Liberator - Solve all the mystery in Soleanna. 40-GS
21. Soleanna's blue wind - Solve all the problems swiftly. 50-GS
22. Dark Hero - Meet all the requests with magnificent skill. 50-GS
23. Silver The Savior - Reveal all the secrets with your ultimate power. 50-GS

The fact that Super forms are finally playable in all levels like Sonic 2, and Sonic 3 & Knuckles again plus for the first time in a 3D game makes it freaking worth it. Super forms in levels damn it! Once you get all S-Ranks, you can buy "Super Form" in the shops. This confirms that Super is playable in the levels!
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zonic the hedgehog

Oh yes, Super Sonic in actual levels... THAT SO OWNS.

I can't wait to be able to purchase this game when I get a 360 (I have to say, finally, some real rewards)... :D

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
The Super forms in levels is nice, but I'm not so happy about the gigantic roster of unlockable playable characters. As much as I like Rouge's juggs, I just don't like all of the Sonic characters' generic personalities, crappy dialogue, and mediocre gameplay styles. I hope I don't have to collect any god**** randomly placed Master Emerald shards in obscure places in gigantic levels again. >_____<;


Iblis Wings
The Super forms in levels is nice, but I'm not so happy about the gigantic roster of unlockable playable characters. As much as I like Rouge's juggs, I just don't like all of the Sonic characters' generic personalities, crappy dialogue, and mediocre gameplay styles. I hope I don't have to collect any god**** randomly placed Master Emerald shards in obscure places in gigantic levels again. >_____<;

You do realize Sonic, Shadow, and Silver are the only main characters you have to play as right? Everyone else you unlock is optional meaning not needed to get the Last Story. So... three being too much for you? And they mentioned nothing about how the others would play so don't knock it till you try it as my teacher says. Or you just don't play as the bonus characters at all. Besides some characters sound interesting to play as like Blaze in her 3D debut.
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Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
Okay, it's fine if the unlockables are just optional or play like they would in the Sonic Advance games, because I can stand that. I just hope the characters don't chat their heads off like in the last few games.


Contaminated KFC
Amy Rose's infamous pantie shots: NOW IN ULTRA KEWL MEGA MICROSOFT FREE DEE!

I hope each character gets to keep the traits they had in previous polygonal outings, with a few enhancements here and there. Like Tails for example. I'd like to see him take flight for a much longer amount of time. Truth be told, Sonic Adventure's method of having him climb for two seconds before dropping like a brick never really appealed to me. And I'd like to see Amy have some more Piko-Piko related attacks. She's the only character with a weapon constantly on hand, so it would be nice to see them utilise this to it's full potential...well...halfway would do me just fine, actually.

The news of Super Sonic being playable in levels totally made my day, however. I love Amy and Tails to itty-bitty pieces, and playing as Blaze in a free-roaming environment is bound to be classy. But ol' Super back in action was the icing on the cake. I've never really liked the entire concept (read: plot and silly characters) of this game, but being a total geeky Sonic fanboy, I was going to buy it anyways. This just gives me something to really look forward to :p


Iblis Wings
Heh heh. Nine characters in total is going to be sweet... plus three of them playable in Super Forms also make my day.
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Contaminated KFC
Yes, being able to play as the other characters optionally is damn sweet. Although, I really wish they'd stop shoving Omega in there. It'd be nice if they could have replaced him with a seldom used character that people actually like. Such as the almighty E-102, Chaos....or hell, even Zero. I'd kill to play as Zero.


Iblis Wings
Yes, being able to play as the other characters optionally is damn sweet. Although, I really wish they'd stop shoving Omega in there. It'd be nice if they could have replaced him with a seldom used character that people actually like. Such as the almighty E-102, Chaos....or hell, even Zero. I'd kill to play as Zero.

Zero? You mean that robot that constantly chased Amy in Sonic Adventure and guarded the Chaos Emeralds in Sonic Advance 2? Why him? He's just some character to show Amy she can get Sonic one day if she just keeps trying and she's not all that weak.

Omega's there cause he's one of Shadow's... amego's as the game calls it. The other being Rouge. Amego system will be decent to get a feel out of the sude characters I hope as well.


Procrastinate Today!
WOW. You can play as Super Sonic in levels? That almost makes me want to get a PS3.

Then I realise how much the system costs, and I decide to wait for my neighbor to get it.

Cool that you can play as most of the good old characters. Makes me wonder if they will play Sonic's levels, or have their own styles? I can't even own it, and I look forward to this game.

And yes, Omega should be ditched fast. Replace him with Fang, I say.


Iblis Wings
Heh now all we need is another NiGHTS cameo (As usual with 3D Sonic games) to make it set.... what? I'm just saying.

Man that 360 better be worth it if I do get this game. Hope that Lost Planet game comes soon.... Dead Rising just looks plain fun as well.

But back to Sonic. Hmm... I also hope those missions aren't that hard as well.


Iblis Wings
Well good rewards like that just can't come by easily now can they? After all you did have to get the Chaos Emeralds to get Super in levels for the old games (Or Super Emeralds for Hyper forms as well. Yet Tails gets Super in the end anyway... meh whatever). S Ranks are just the new thing.


I own the 5th gen
well, after months of hearing nothing but crap announced for this game, it's good to hear that Tails and the others have made it as playables after all. Being able to play as Supers in levels again is also pretty damn sweet. After all the bullcrap Extra Hard Mode stuff in Heroes and Shadow, we finally get some better incentive to collect those emblems again (hopefully, they won't be too hard for me to collect... I have gotten experience getting all the emblems in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, plus the A-ranks in Heroes). Like Gravy, I was planning to get the game (eventually) anyway, so hopefully, this bit of good news manages to compensate somewhat for the game's several shortcomings thus far.

And yes Gravy, I agree with you about Tails in Sonic Adventure. That short ascension was all kinds of suck. Let's hope they manage to improve that.
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