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All those reset to lvl one dungeons

Hey im stuck in wish cave and dungeons like that i keep dying too easily and i need help.Anybody got any ideas????


I won't give up!
Try to beat it with a starter. They level up quite fast. I don't have any other suggestions though. I haven't tried such a dungeon yet.


Drifblim landing!
Wurmple level up fast! Not that they help but they level up fast! Forget levling though as Medicham works well because it knows the elemental punches at birth.


Boulder Trainer
try bringing gravler rocks.i tried it and only 2 KOed every enemy.but i don't thing that works with it's boss.


Heart & Soul...
Are you talking about joyus tower, purity forest and wish cave? It's a good Idea to be 00bers, starters, or wingull.


I suggest the starters or the Ubers


Well-Known Member
Charizard knows Heat Wave and that kills multiple enemies so he's a good choice
Well thanks guys(and girls) Ill try it out i took moltres to wish cave and it leveled up as fast as fraligatr and typhlosion so....

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Charizard can't get Heat Wave there. Anyway, bring items to throw, no money, Pokemon that level up fast and at least 10 Reviver Seeds.


Tyranitar Trainer
In Joyous Tower, Chikorita, Tailow and Spinda take a while to KO. Psyduck is pretty tough too. So watch out for them.

If you have them.. you can bring joy seeds to get your level up faster.. but thats a bit of a waste.