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altering cave


in emerald how do you get some other of those pokemon that are available


Well-Known Member
you can get all the pokemon in altering cave in the safari zone extension in emerald so its pointless, its only useful if you have fire red or leaf green


Well-Known Member
How Useful?? I have firered!!!

the whole purpose of having the altering cave its usefull for fr/lg coz you can get pokemon which you wouldn't be able to get in the game and its pointless for emrald coz they can all be caught in the safari zone


Well-Known Member
By going near Wonder Spots iirc


Well-Known Member
can the events take place in NY?


Well-Known Member
or wonder spots but they have that in the Pkmn center in Ny right?


echospace obsessive
The whole getting new pogeymonz idea dosnt work in the english versions,only japanese..or they took it out completly.


echospace obsessive
Yeah they took it out beacuse you could get all of them in the safari zone and get Smeargle in the battle fronteir.