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Altering Cave

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Shiny Catcher!
I've had Fred Lgreen for 3 years and I've never got the jist of altering cave.
In emerald, their is also altering cave.

Apparently through coding you can get certain pokemon to appear, but isn't the whole point of pokemon and Nintendo is that they didn't want you to cheat. If someone could tell me what it does, that would be great, thanks.

I just don't get it and I've been researching it for years.

kill and run

ShinyHunting Veteran
altering cave is a cave with zubats only and if you cheat only in fr/lg you can catch pokemon like houndour and stantler in there

does that clear things up


Obsessive Beader/Mod

3. Q: What does Altering Cave do? All I find is Zubat!

A: The speculation was that we would be able to change the Pokemon in Altering Cave through Wonderspots. These are machines that you use Mystery Gift with, and they've been used at Pokemon Rocks America and the Pokemon Center in NYC to give out the Tickets for Deoxys and Lugia/Ho-oh. Unfortunately, there have been no Wonderspots for Altering Cave (in Japan or elsewhere), so it's basically a feature that they probably had every intention of doing something cool with, but just never did for whatever reason. The Altering Cave Pokemon can be obtained in Emerald, Colosseum, and now in Pokemon: XD.

(For the record, the rumor was that Japan had e-cards to change Altering Cave Pokemon, but someone living in Japan informed me that this wasn't true--they didn't have access to the Pokemon, either. They also translated the Japanese Pokemon website, and there's no mention of Altering Cave e-cards along with the others. Whoops. x_X)

Yay for the stickies. :)

Basically, it does nothing, not because Nintendo NEVER wanted it to do anything, but because they probably didn't have the time and resources to set up Wonderspots for it. All the AC Pokemon can be found in Emerald anyway.

-Answered, closed
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