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Am I good enough?

Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
well im up at sky tower and has already gotten to the middle save point in it
im trying to get;384; and so far i tried twice and turned off the game to the save point

i am a blastoise
lv 71
holding Friend Ribbon

is that good enough to get him\ or wait till im like 99?

Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
ok sorry and thanks..... im not sure if hell ever join me :(

edit: 4th try still no join which is pissing me off lol also how many more % does your ranking add to your recruiting?
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Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
5th try!!! darn stupid little or big rayquaza.....
can anyone answer the question on
how much more % does your rank add to a recruite rate?


Glitch Hunting Freak
Your rank sadly doesn't add anything. :( BUT your rank is needed for certain legandaries or so I've heard....

Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
yeah i gave up on rayquaza and went for groudon he was alot easier i mean you on ly have to go through one floor and the 2nd one just go straight into a teleporter and well i got him on my 3rd try YAYYA


Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
yeah i gave up on rayquaza and went for groudon he was alot easier i mean you on ly have to go through one floor and the 2nd one just go straight into a teleporter and well i got him on my 3rd try YAYYA
