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Am I the only one who doesn't nickname their pokemon in all CAPITAL letters?

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
Hey am I the only one who doesn't nickname their pokemon in all capital letters? For example... instead of naming a Pidgey WINDY... I would name it Windy. (Just an example... I think I might have named a Pidgey Windy when I was like 7...) Same with my trainer name... instead of LAUREN... I would make it Lauren. Anyone else do this?


No, I would if i could change my metagross's name.

Becuase i got it from my cuz at level 10 or so.. I cant change his name.

So it would be like




it looks weird that way


<--will be mine
I always do it that way. I just think the all-caps looks odd.
I admit my MEW looks weird next to my other pokemon, but I can't change that.
Same with the trainer, it just seems more proper to me.

You are not alone.


Well-Known Member
it really doesnt bother me
i dont even look at it.


echospace obsessive
No you arnet my brother nicknames them with a capital at the start and then its lowerr case for the rest of the letters.

i personally dont nickname.

*~Star Pocchama~*

l Kawaii Vulpix l
Although I don't usually nickname my Pokemon, if I would, I would also put it as first a capital for the first letter, and then lower case for the other letters. I'm a grammar freak :p

*~Star Pocchama~*


It makes sense gramatically, but it looks odd next to other key terms like species names, names of other trainers, items and so on.

It seems to be pretty common to use proper grammar with nicknames, but.


I don't nickname my pokemon in all capital letters. Like some of you here, I too use a capital for the first letter, then the rest lowercase. It depends on who I am naming a pokemon after, though.


id ont nickname any of my pokemon but my trainer name is always with lowercase letters, exept the first one of course, cuz when their names sre with capital letters it looks like they are screaming when they say it and i hate that.


Sometimes, but usually I only use it when I'm using names like "De LEON", or the like. Also, in cases like "iPKMN" for Porygons.


Well-Known Member
Names in lower case just looks weird in the game from my view, so I always name them in capitals.


lol at you
names in lowercase look really odd and weird... thats why i nickname in capitals