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am i too addicted ?


Well-Known Member
well ealier i was playing while listening to my favorite band (cradle of filth) and i started to relate the lyrics to the game. im thinking about taking a break from the game for a while what do you think
Nah, that's nothing I've done worse then that. I don't think you should quit for a little while and if you do I would only for about a week tops.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all

I do the same thing.

Which particular filth song though? there are not exactly many of them that relate to pokemon. except matbe 'foetus of a new day kicking'....maybe.

I think this gets the prize for weirdest pokemon thread ;)

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
the in-game music gets a little boring after a while. I usually turn it off to conserve the battery in my GBA and listen to MP3's instead.

I think the only sound based cues in the game are when you open some of the legendaries lairs. even then it still tells you on-screen.


Powerplay Champion
hmmm not as bad as me... i made a pokemon song...
pm me if ya wanna hear it:)

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
It's okay. I also do that. The GBA sounds get annoying after a while, so I allways pull out my MP3. By the way, Disturbed is one of my favorite bands, I listen to them all the time. Even while I'm playing Pokémon. :p


Natsu no Maboroshi
I listen to Classic Music while playing...LOL. It relaxes me.


Onions? Where??
I listen Children of Bodom, of course, Best band ever

particulary songs: hate me, everytime I die, Needled 24/7, Are you dead yet, bed of razors, children of bodom, towards the dead end, triple corpse hammerblow, warheart, trashed lost and strungout..., well all, but if you are really starting to relate the lyrics... boy, you are addicted...


Nah, you're not too addicted!
The game music can get annoying, so I whip out my MP3 player and start the lyric-relating!:D
(Sorry if that sounded sarcastic but I'm being serious.)


Furret rocks
I normally listen to either:

Magic 105.4 radio
Barbra Streisand
Lionel Richie
Phill Collins

When I'm playing Pokemon...


Well-Known Member
I usually watch television instead of listen music when I'm playing Pokémon, cause I don't have MP3 ^^


I really like the rival/ Gary theme


I multitask. I play pokemon, watch tv, and go on the forums at the same time. Just like now.


Ready for a vacation
I relate lyrics to games/cartoons/liveaction shows all the time. :)
Nothing to worry about. We all do it at least once in a while.