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American and Japanese XD names

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Edit from Coronis: fuzzygwilfish, sorry I'll just edit this post of yours to make the sticky instead of starting a new one, so don't be freaked out that your message is changed here.

Ok, as much as I tried to use English names in the walkthrough, I don't own the English version so a majority of them still are in Japanese. This sticky is to list out all the Japanese English translations of XD.

Japanese - English
Ryuuto (hero) - Michael
Mana (sister) - Jovi
Lilia (mother) - Lily
Prof. Krane - Prof. Krane
Prof. Kaminko - Dr. Kaminko
Chobin - Chobin
Danny - Hordel
Rogan - Eagun
Zak - Perr
Roose - Makan
Haido - Adon
Joshua - Aidan
Buster - Datan
Emily - Emili
Emma - Acri
Leila - Marcia
Puri - Cameran
Pufty - Pofty
Shiho - Megg
Shadow - Cipher
Cipher Peon Nappus - Cipher Peon Naps
Cipher Peon Monel - Hexagon Brother Resix
Cipher Peon Toril - Hexagon Brother Browsix
Cipher Peon Jerel - Hexagon Brother Blusix
Cipher Peon Tetol - Hexagon Brother Yellosix
Cipher Peon Petal - Hexagon Brother Purpsix
Cipher Peon Hekil - Hexagon Brother Greesix
Lovelina - Lovrina
Wazzle - Snattle
Gorigan - Gorigan
Aldos - Ardos
Eldes - Eldes
Mecharich - Verich
Deathgold - Grand Master Greevil
Team Snatch - Team Snagem
Mecha Groudon - Robo Groudon
Mecha Kyogre - Robo Kyogre

Pokemon Multi-Purpose Research Center - Pokemon HQ Lab
Aio Port - Gateon Port
Deserted Cruiser Libra - S.S. Libra
Shadow Pokemon Factory - Cipher Key Lair
Nickledark Island - Citadark Isle

More to come.
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Diaruga Hiidoran :P
Snattle, *coughweirdcough* just kidding, but were did you get those names?
Oh no big deal Coronis,but anyways to answer RukarioMunchlax93s question i dont no where Coronis got all his names but i got my US names(Grand Master Greevil, Lovrina, Snattle, and Ardos)from a guide book, i then compared the names in the book to all the names at Serebii.net right after i saw the final boss was Greevil not Deathgold.
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Are you sure these are the names of the people in XD japanese version. And if they are can you give me the website


In lucid awakening
Dark Venusaur said:
Are you sure these are the names of the people in XD japanese version. And if they are can you give me the website

I own the Japanese version of the game, and I read the Japanese names off the game directly. If you want to see the Japanese names yourself, please go to pokemon.co.jp and visit the XD section, character bios page.

For the English names listed, they are collected from other threads on SPPf as well as some official english XD screens off pokemonxd.com and some other official webpages.



Greevil as in Great Evil =P

I dont know why they didnt use Desgold as in Death Gold.


Hive Trainer
I have some names that havent been updated on the main site that Im pretty sure on:
Shadow Crush-Shadow Rush
Shadow Weather-Shadow Sky
Shadow Attack-Shadow Blitz


Diaruga Hiidoran :P
Cipher Peon Monel = Resix
Cipher Peon Toril = Browsix
Cipher Peon Jerel = Blusix
Cipher Peon Tetol = Yellosix
Cipher Peon Petal = Purpsix
Cipher Peon Hekil = Greesix

The coloured peons.

Nappus = Naps


Jade said:
Greevil as in Great Evil =P

I dont know why they didnt use Desgold as in Death Gold.
You're right and Verich means Very Rich


Diaruga Hiidoran :P
Oh yeah! The peon brothers isnt named peon its:

Hexagon Brothers...

All the ones that have the americanXD knows this.


Diaruga Hiidoran :P
Serebii, you haven´t still update that Agehunt = Beautifly thing on the walkthrough.
Can you change it because its confusing for those who doesn´t have XD.
And i discovered that trainer Furgy at Citadark Island has a Zatu....Xatu you must mean.
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Graphic Novel Artist
I have some names that havent been updated on the main site that Im pretty sure on:
Shadow Crush-Shadow Rush
Shadow Weather-Shadow Sky
Shadow Attack-Shadow Blitz

I know that Shadow Rush in Japan is "Daku Rushui" (Dark Rush) and "Shadow Sky" is "Daku Biyori" (Dark Weather).
Thanks for the list i wanted the Japenese version of xd now i can just nickname them. once agan thanks
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